Forum OpenACS Development: Re: XoTCL: Find objects based on slot value

Posted by Stefan Sobernig on
Mmmh. You can devise manifold "language query" mechanisms ...

How do I find objects based on a slot value in XoTCL?
Class Person -slots {
  Attribute first_name
  Attribute last_name
  Attribute jobs -multivalued true
  Attribute tasks -multivalued true

Person instforward expr -objscope ::expr

Person proc @ {attribute {operator eq} value} { if {[my info slots $attribute] eq ""} return; set results [list] foreach i [my info instances -closure] { if {[$i exists $attribute]} { if {[expr "\"[$i $attribute]\" $operator \"$value\""]} { lappend results $i } } } return $results }

Person new -first_name Malte -last_name Sussdorff Person new -first_name Gustaf -last_name Neumann Person new -first_name Stefan -last_name Sobernig Person new -first_name Gustaf -last_name "von Neumann"

puts [Person @ first_name eq Gustaf]

And more specifically, how do I find all multivalued slots of a class?

set multivalued_slots [list]
foreach s [Person info slots] {
  if {[$s multivalued]} {
    lappend multivalued_slots $s
puts $multivalued_slots

And how do I get a list of identifiers (not names, but IDs which are again a slot of the slot) for those multivalued slots?

I don't quite get what you want to achieve here, maybe it is answered above ...