I agree with Guan. Users can reduce contrast with their monitors, but maximum contrast is pretty much dictated by the color contrast.
You are using a color scheme, where larger letters use less contrast. That's great. You could take the scheme a step further by using contrast to indicate focus. Have contrast increase for the content specific to the page (black and white), with backgrounds in less contrast (such as the greens used on these). This intuitively helps users consistently focus on the page content.
Of the 3 choices, the first one appears to be most consistent in displaying a position grid, indicating where one is in the website. Each vertical line represents a subsite, each horizontal position represents a parallel location subsection or bread crumbs.
For the example, I assume .lrn is the technology and sloanspace is the website. Maybe these should be on the same horizontal line. If not, maybe you can indicate separate zones by say, making the first line at the primary level, such as MIT, then the second line as Sloan School of Management, and the 3rd line "Cohort/Group", and then a forth line "My space"