Forum OpenACS Development: Re: News aggregator: Purging brainstorming

Posted by Ola Hansson on
Using "News Aggregator" as the general front-end for a new incarnation of the 3.x "What's New?" feature is really exiting, I think. Good idea Carl!

Hm, keeping track of your own internal feeds, so to speak ...

We just need to make rss-feeds for all the important packages and perhaps make one or several "unified" feeds. It might also be a good idea to implement a mechanism which lets a forums instance (say) subscribe automatically to its own feed (via news-aggergator) and pop up a link within the forum instance.

Should it also be possible to purge news items based on the time you last visited the "source" of a feed (a forum say)?

Talk about eating your own dog food 😉

Posted by Jeff Davis on
I am working on making most content feedable by modifying how the search indexer works so you could get a sitewide feed or feeds by subsite (or feeds from a search).

I have already done a "what's new" thing w/o feeds for the community of practice stuff as well.