Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Object Relational database...

Posted by Rafael Calvo on

Michael has produced a interesting piece of code. We will release it soon and another student will be taking it to a more functional state.

At this point the tool allows you to draw a UML code and it will generate the openacs data model.
Normally when I create a package I copy notes and start changing it. This is terribly inneficient.
This new tool allows you to bootstrap your code.
You can even chose if a class should be a acs_objet_type or just a table.

The question that Michael is trying to ask is:
"Do you know of any other application framework that implements an object model on top of a relational database?"

You can have object relational databases, object oriented databases, etc. But is there another system that implements things like "acs_object_type" and the object management code as we have?
We know that advantages of using acs objects include that you get the permission, the templating, notifications, ect for free. What other application frameworks do this?

