Forum OpenACS Development: Virtual hosting with AS4 and OpenACS 5
Now, willing to exploit the built in virtual hosting capabilities of AOLserver 4 I tried to follow Vinod's hints but without success.
Could someone post or send me a working config.tcl example?
TIA, Claudio
basically following Vinod's instructions got me about 95% there. I ran into a hitch with the version of AOLServer. There is a timing bug that I ran into where the server would actually turn off the IPs because it took openacs 5.1 too long to spool up. AOLServer 4.0.3 from the debian/unstable repository works fine with it.
Here's my frontend.tcl file
ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: starting to read frontend config file..."
ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: sourcing backend server configs..."
source /etc/aolserver4/bc.tcl
source /etc/aolserver4/mh.tcl
source /etc/aolserver4/lal.tcl
source /etc/aolserver4/ifs.tcl
ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: done loading backend server configs..."
set bindir /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin
# Load nssock globally
ns_section ns/modules
ns_param nssock ${bindir}/
ns_section ns/module/nssock
ns_param port 80
ns_param hostname
ns_param address
ns_param maxinput [expr 8000 * 1024]
ns_param timeout 120
# Map headers to server-name
ns_section ns/module/nssock/servers
# Global server parameters
ns_section ns/parameters
#ns_param serverlog ${serverroot}/log/error.log
ns_param serverlog /var/log/aolserver/error.log
ns_param home $homedir
ns_param maxkeepalive 0
ns_param logroll on
ns_param maxbackup 5
ns_param debug off
ns_section ns/threads
ns_param mutexmeter true ;# measure lock contention
ns_param stacksize 500000
ns_section ns/mimetypes
ns_param Default text/plain
ns_param NoExtension text/plain
ns_param .pcd image/x-photo-cd
ns_param .prc application/x-pilot
ns_param .xls application/
ns_param .doc application/
ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: finished reading frontend config file."
and here's bc.tcl -- I commented out most of the things that were sourced in the main config. Also, don't forget that your error log is specified in frontend.tcl. Some of the error messages are quite unintuitive.
ns_log notice "bc.tcl: starting to read"
# Instance-specific settings
# These default settings will only work in limited circumstances
# Two servers with default settings cannot run on the same host
# which database do you want? postgres or oracle
set database postgres
if {$database == "oracle"} {
set db_password "mysitepassword"
# change to 80 and 443 for production use
# Bind;
set httpport 80
set httpsport 443
# The hostname and address should be set to actual values.
#set hostname [ns_info hostname]
set hostname
set address
set server ""
set db_name $server
set user_account www-data
set servername "Bonnie & Chris - Davies, Inc."
set serverroot "/var/www/aolserver4/${server}"
# if debug is false, all debugging will be turned off
set debug false
set homedir /usr/lib/aolserver4
#set bindir [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]
set bindir /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin
# which modules should be loaded? Missing modules break the server, so
# don't uncomment modules unless they have been installed.
ns_section ns/server/${server}/modules
#ns_param nssock ${bindir}/
ns_param nslog ${bindir}/
ns_param nssha1 ${bindir}/
ns_param nscache ${bindir}/
ns_param nsrewrite ${bindir}/
#ns_param libtdom ${bindir}/
ns_param libtdom /usr/lib/tdom0.7.8/
ns_param nsdb ${bindir}/
# nsopenssl will fail unless the cert files are present as specified
# later in this file, so it's disabled by default
#ns_param nsopenssl ${bindir}/
# Full Text Search
#ns_param nsfts ${bindir}/
# PAM authentication
#ns_param nspam ${bindir}/
# LDAP authentication
#ns_param nsldap ${bindir}/
# These modules aren't used in standard OpenACS installs
#ns_param nsperm ${bindir}/
#ns_param nscgi ${bindir}/
#ns_param nsjava ${bindir}/
# End of instance-specific settings
# Nothing below this point need be changed in a default install.
# AOLserver's directories. Autoconfigurable.
# Where are your pages going to live ?
set pageroot ${serverroot}/www
set directoryfile index.tcl,index.adp,index.html,index.htm
# Global server parameters
#ns_section ns/parameters
#ns_param serverlog ${serverroot}/log/error.log
#ns_param home $homedir
#ns_param maxkeepalive 0
#ns_param logroll on
#ns_param maxbackup 5
#ns_param debug $debug
# Thread library (nsthread) parameters
#ns_section ns/threads
#ns_param mutexmeter true ;# measure lock contention
#ns_param stacksize 500000
# MIME types.
# Note: AOLserver already has an exhaustive list of MIME types, but in
# case something is missing you can add it here.
#ns_section ns/mimetypes
#ns_param Default text/plain
#ns_param NoExtension text/plain
#ns_param .pcd image/x-photo-cd
#ns_param .prc application/x-pilot
#ns_param .xls application/
#ns_param .doc application/
# Tcl Configuration
ns_section ns/server/${server}/tcl
ns_param library ${serverroot}/tcl
ns_param autoclose on
ns_param debug $debug
# Server-level configuration
# There is only one server in AOLserver, but this is helpful when multiple
# servers share the same configuration file. This file assumes that only
# one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable
# Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too.
ns_section ns/servers
ns_param $server $servername
# Server parameters
ns_section ns/server/${server}
ns_param directoryfile $directoryfile
ns_param pageroot $pageroot
ns_param maxconnections 5
ns_param maxdropped 0
ns_param maxpost 10485760
ns_param maxthreads 5
ns_param minthreads 1
ns_param threadtimeout 120
ns_param globalstats false ;# Enable built-in statistics
ns_param urlstats false ;# Enable URL statistics
ns_param maxurlstats 1000 ;# Max number of URL's to do stats on
#ns_param directoryadp $pageroot/dirlist.adp ;# Choose one or the other
#ns_param directoryproc _ns_dirlist ;# ...but not both!
#ns_param directorylisting fancy ;# Can be simple or fancy
# Special HTTP pages
ns_param NotFoundResponse "/global/file-not-found.html"
ns_param ServerBusyResponse "/global/busy.html"
ns_param ServerInternalErrorResponse "/global/error.html"
# ADP (AOLserver Dynamic Page) configuration
ns_section ns/server/${server}/adp
ns_param map /*.adp ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's
#ns_param map "/*.html" ;# Any extension can be mapped
ns_param enableexpire false ;# Set "Expires: now" on all ADP's
ns_param enabledebug $debug ;# Allow Tclpro debugging with "?debug"
ns_param defaultparser fancy
ns_section ns/server/${server}/adp/parsers
ns_param fancy ".adp"
# Socket driver module (HTTP) -- nssock
#ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
#ns_param timeout 120
#ns_param address $address
#ns_param hostname $hostname
#ns_param port $httpport
# OpenSSL
#ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nsopenssl"
#ns_param ModuleDir ${serverroot}/etc/certs
## NSD-driven connections:
#ns_param ServerPort $httpsport
#ns_param ServerHostname $hostname
#ns_param ServerAddress $address
#ns_param ServerCertFile certfile.pem
#ns_param ServerKeyFile keyfile.pem
#ns_param ServerProtocols "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
#ns_param ServerCipherSuite "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
#ns_param ServerSessionCache false
#ns_param ServerSessionCacheID 1
#ns_param ServerSessionCacheSize 512
#ns_param ServerSessionCacheTimeout 300
#ns_param ServerPeerVerify true
#ns_param ServerPeerVerifyDepth 3
#ns_param ServerCADir ca
#ns_param ServerCAFile ca.pem
#ns_param ServerTrace false
## For listening and accepting SSL connections via Tcl/C API:
#ns_param SockServerCertFile certfile.pem
#ns_param SockServerKeyFile keyfile.pem
#ns_param SockServerProtocols "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
#ns_param SockServerCipherSuite "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
#ns_param SockServerSessionCache false
#ns_param SockServerSessionCacheID 2
#ns_param SockServerSessionCacheSize 512
#ns_param SockServerSessionCacheTimeout 300
#ns_param SockServerPeerVerify true
#ns_param SockServerPeerVerifyDepth 3
#ns_param SockServerCADir internal_ca
#ns_param SockServerCAFile internal_ca.pem
#ns_param SockServerTrace false
## Outgoing SSL connections
#ns_param SockClientCertFile certfile.pem
#ns_param SockClientKeyFile keyfile.pem
#ns_param SockClientProtocols "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
#ns_param SockClientCipherSuite "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
#ns_param SockClientSessionCache false
#ns_param SockClientSessionCacheID 3
#ns_param SockClientSessionCacheSize 512
#ns_param SockClientSessionCacheTimeout 300
#ns_param SockClientPeerVerify true
#ns_param SockServerPeerVerifyDepth 3
#ns_param SockClientCADir ca
#ns_param SockClientCAFile ca.pem
#ns_param SockClientTrace false
## OpenSSL library support:
##ns_param RandomFile /some/file
#ns_param SeedBytes 1024
# Database drivers
# The database driver is specified here.
# Make sure you have the driver compiled and put it in {aolserverdir}/bin
ns_section ns/db/drivers
if { $database == "oracle" } {
ns_param ora8 ${bindir}/
} else {
ns_param postgres ${bindir}/ ;# Load PostgreSQL driver
# Database Pools: This is how AOLserver ``talks'' to the RDBMS. You need
# three for OpenACS: main, log, subquery. Make sure to replace ``yourdb''
# and ``yourpassword'' with the actual values for your db name and the
# password for it, if needed.
# AOLserver can have different pools connecting to different databases
# and even different different database servers.
ns_section ns/db/pools
ns_param ${server}pool1 "${server}Pool 1"
ns_param ${server}pool2 "${server}Pool 2"
ns_param ${server}pool3 "${server}Pool 3"
ns_section ns/db/pool/${server}pool1
ns_param maxidle 1000000000
ns_param maxopen 1000000000
ns_param connections 5
ns_param verbose $debug
ns_param extendedtableinfo true
ns_param logsqlerrors $debug
#if { $database == "oracle" } {
# ns_param driver ora8
# ns_param datasource {}
# ns_param user $db_name
# ns_param password $db_password
#} else {
ns_param driver postgres
# ns_param datasource${db_name}
ns_param datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param user $user_account
ns_param password ""
ns_section ns/db/pool/${server}pool2
ns_param maxidle 1000000000
ns_param maxopen 1000000000
ns_param connections 5
ns_param verbose $debug
ns_param extendedtableinfo true
ns_param logsqlerrors $debug
#if { $database == "oracle" } {
# ns_param driver ora8
# ns_param datasource {}
# ns_param user $db_name
# ns_param password $db_password
#} else {
ns_param driver postgres
ns_param datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param user $user_account
ns_param password ""
ns_section ns/db/pool/${server}pool3
ns_param maxidle 1000000000
ns_param maxopen 1000000000
ns_param connections 5
ns_param verbose $debug
ns_param extendedtableinfo true
ns_param logsqlerrors $debug
#if { $database == "oracle" } {
# ns_param driver ora8
# ns_param datasource {}
# ns_param user $db_name
# ns_param password $db_password
#} else {
ns_param driver postgres
ns_param datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param user $user_account
ns_param password ""
ns_section ns/server/${server}/db
ns_param pools "${server}pool1,${server}pool2,${server}pool3"
ns_param defaultpool ${server}pool1
ns_section ns/server/${server}/redirects
ns_param 404 "global/file-not-found.html"
ns_param 403 "global/forbidden.html"
# Access log -- nslog
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nslog
ns_param file ${serverroot}/log/${server}.log
ns_param enablehostnamelookup false
ns_param logcombined true
#ns_param logrefer false
#ns_param loguseragent false
ns_param maxbackup 1000
ns_param rollday *
ns_param rollfmt %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
ns_param rollhour 0
ns_param rollonsignal true
ns_param rolllog true
# nsjava - aolserver module that embeds a java virtual machine. Needed to
# support webmail. See for further
# details. This may need to be updated for OpenACS4 webmail
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nsjava
ns_param enablejava off ;# Set to on to enable nsjava.
ns_param verbosejvm off ;# Same as command line -debug.
ns_param loglevel Notice
ns_param destroyjvm off ;# Destroy jvm on shutdown.
ns_param disablejitcompiler off
ns_param classpath /usr/local/jdk/jdk118_v1/lib/${bindir}/nsjava.jar:${pageroot}/webmail/java/activation.jar:${pageroot}/webmail/java/mail.jar:${pageroot}/webmail/java
# CGI interface -- nscgi, if you have legacy stuff. Tcl or ADP files inside
# AOLserver are vastly superior to CGIs. I haven't tested these params but they
# should be right.
#ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nscgi"
# ns_param map "GET /cgi-bin/ /web/$server/cgi-bin"
# ns_param map "POST /cgi-bin/ /web/$server/cgi-bin"
# ns_param Interps CGIinterps
#ns_section "ns/interps/CGIinterps"
# ns_param .pl "/usr/bin/perl"
# PAM authentication
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nspam
ns_param PamDomain "pam_domain"
ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: finished reading config file."
I start the server like this:
/usr/sbin/aolserver4-nsd -t /etc/aolserver4/frontend.tcl -b -u www-data -g www-data
of course, your info may vary slightly. I'm sure I did something wrong somewhere, but, it works for all 4 servers on that machine, and, now that I'm not bouncing off swap, I might put a 5th and 6th instance on there. For low-volume servers, I think I can get away with 6 instances and be safe within 512mb.
Today I will not be in the office but I'm anxious to retry and I'll post the results.
Thank you again, Chris and Vinod!
Presumably the bet is that the odds that all sites will simultaneously reach peak activity is low. If you have four AOLserver instances you need to configure each for max traffic, if you share the pool space you can scrimp.
You can also set up thread pools for the virtual servers separately, and by URL space I think ... it's very flexible.
The only downside is that you can't restart the individual servers individually.
I just ran into trouble when commenting out section "ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock". So I suppose that wasn't optimal (when using the chat package)
If one wants to run another virtual server on another port (8080) just add to frontend.tcl:
source service1.tcl
#set ns/servers in the backend file service1.tcl
#ns_section ns/servers
#ns_param service1 "Development site"
ns_section ns/modules
ns_param nssock8080 ${bindir}/
ns_section ns/module/nssock8080
ns_param port 8080
ns_param hostname
ns_param address
ns_param maxinput [expr 8000 * 1024]
ns_param timeout 120
ns_section ns/module/nssock8080/servers
ns_param service1