Andrew and I spoke on the phone and we suggest that we split the term. Andrew will take the first 6 months and I will take the second 6 months. If for any reason Andrew can not complete his 6 month term I will take it over the position.
We thought this was basically fair. It’s a slight advantage that Andrew does have the capability to run again in 6 months, but I felt it was important that he be on the OCT this summer while Sloan is upgrading. My goals are all long term so 6 months off is no big deal. I'll still be here.
My suggestion for a general TIP: In the event of a tie, split the term and if any OCT member resigns or is unable to complete their term, the person who tied and is not currently serving their half term would automatically take any vacant seat.
I would like to thank everyone who voted and especially Guan for all his hard work.