Forum OpenACS Q&A: Virtual Hosting

13: Virtual Hosting (response to 12)
Posted by Chris Davies on
Well, there are a few ways to do AOLServer/OpenACS that I have stumbled across.

First, you can start a separate instance for each OpenACS installation, using 1 IP per installation.  For this, if you are using daemontools, you can just specify the initial tcl script for each instance.

Second, you can do the above, but use multiple ports on the same IP -- still having separate instances.  Then, you use Pound,  This is the method that Bart Teeuwisse advocates.

Or, you can run multiple instances using multiple ports, and use a slick little fix by Jade Rubick.

Or, you can use the virtual hosting built into AOLServer
also referenced

There are benefits and pitfalls to each method.  Currently I run a separate instance for two OpenACS installations that each have their own IP.  Then, I have five OpenACS instances running under one AOLServer instance on a 512mb machine and might consider pushing it too six OpenACS instances which I think is about the maximum practical limit for low-volume personal sites.

16: Re: Virtual Hosting (response to 13)
Posted by Jade Rubick on
By the way, I think it would be easy to take my 'easy virtual hosting' document and create a package that did this for you. Then you could just mount the package, and it would take care of the rest. You could handle the port numbers, etc.. through parameters. This would be an extremely easy way to add extra servers on other ports.

Also, I've updated my easy virtual hosting document recently. I figured out how to overcome a major problem I was having.