It turns out that
1.1b1 < 1.09b1
So I had to release another version of project-manager yesterday, 2.0b1. I don't think it really warrants a 2.0 release, but the way the APM sorts releases, it ignores the 0 in 1.09, so I had little choice.
And today, I'm releasing another version which corrects a bug:
- logger entries are now moved between logger projects when you edit a task and change the project
And adds a feature:
- Project assignments are now implemented on the main project page. So by default, you now only see your own projects instead of everyone's.
The new release is 2.1b1. I'm leaving it as a beta version, but because I'm introducing new functionality, I'm not going to bump the beta level.
Also, in another thread ( I asked about the best way to develop for project-manager. It looks like I should move over to a branch for developing project-manager. I actually develop on OpenACS 5.1, but project-manager is kept on HEAD. I'll be switching thing over soon to make it easier to contribute.
I think I'll also write up some documentation on how best to develop packages. I want to make it easy to contribute to project-manager!
Again, this upgrade requires no data model changes.