That's funny that you bring this up, because I recently ran across this, and I thought perhaps it was just a misconfiguration on my end.
I finally decided to add the following to my aolserver/modules/tcl/sendmail.tcl file, just after the "## Insert extra headers, if any (not for BCC)" line in the _ns_sendmail proc:
## Insert extra headers, if any (not for BCC)"
if { ![empty_string_p $extraheaders] && [catch { [ns_set size $extraheaders] } ] } {
set extra_headers [ns_set create]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $extraheaders]} {incr i} {
ns_set put $extra_headers [lindex $extraheaders $i] [lindex $extraheaders [expr $i + 1]]
incr i
set extraheaders $extra_headers
This now works for me.
Anyone know why it seems we now have to kludge the sendmail proc? Extraheaders is just kept as a list in acs-mail-lite.