I finally able to install dotlrn using your debian package.
First I must edit /etc/init.d/dotlrn
from the line:
Then I try to run it again: /etc/init.d/dotlrn start
I point my browser to http://localhost:8000 and I get installation page. I filled it then proceed to installation. It creates the database and said it restart the dotlrn. So I do /etc/init.d/dotlrn start
But when I point my browser to http://localhost:8000 I get error. After trying with lynx I find out that:
- It send a cookie ad_s which I allow
- then redirect to http://localhost:8000/dotlrn/index
- then redirect to http://localhost:8000/register/?return%5furl=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8000%2fdotlrn%2findex
- then redirect to https://localhost:8000:8443/register/?return%5furl=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8000%2fdotlrn%2findex
There must be something very wrong because it try to redirect to localhost:8000:8443
Here my system details
Linux zakbox 2.6.6-1-686 #1 Wed May 12 14:57:57 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
Debian Sarge/Testing
dotlrn 2.0.3-2
aolserver4 4.0.5-1
aolserver4-doc 4.0.5-1
aolserver4-nscache 1.5-1
aolserver4-nsldap 0.0.r8-1
aolserver4-nsopenssl 3.0beta12-2
aolserver4-nspostgres 4.0-1
aolserver4-nssha1 0.1-1
postgresql 7.4.2-4
Currently I'm able to workaround the problem by commenting line ns_param nsopenssl
from /etc/aolserver4/dotlrn.tcl. Is there more permanent fix, so I could use SSL?