Hi Torben,
thank for your link, I'll definitely have a look at it.
Concerning performance: I'm not too concerned with that, because Oracle/Postgres will keep the first 10 million entries or so in RAM... (Maybe I should move the "description" out to a different table...).
My idea is to go along the lines of the new SAP philosophy and to do most reporting with a data ("business") warehouse.
<blockquote> Have you considered supply chain management/operations
I'm going to go for small and medium _project_oriented_ organizations, so there won't be no modules to deal with physical goods moving. Instead, our focus is on human resources, project collaboration and KM as the "supply chain of the knowledge economy"...
Also, we don't aim to do "accounting". We want to leave all double-entry stuff to external programs, because they are cheap and they handle the country specific legal and other conventions.
Instead, we want to do "controlling", that means calculating profit and loss on a per-project or per-customer base. The point is that there are already modules for timesheet, payroll, invoices and travel costs (from the old 3.4 intranet and other past work). All these modules gather some kind of cost, which "just" needs to be integrated in order to get all costs incured by a project.
And maybe the most elegant solution for that is a common superclass that is (relatively) easy to sum...