thanks for the help, i am almost done now, but i've hit this other snag which is a bit baffling to me
in step 5 of the OpenACS install guide i run the program using
/usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd-postgres -t /var/lib/aolserver/weg/etc/config.tcl (ive changed service0 to weg)
i get the right output on my xterm console but when i type into the browser http://weg.test:8000 i get a cannot connect error
my error log seems fine except for to error readings which are
[05/Aug/2004:17:44:59][3344.1075081856][-main-] Error: pidfile: failed to open pid file '/usr/local/aolserver/log/nspid.weg': 'Permission denied'
[05/Aug/2004:17:44:59][3344.1075081856][-main-] Fatal: modload: failed to load module '/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'
Fatal: modload: failed to load module '/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'
Is there any explanation for this? the first error is weird because when i go to that directory path, the nspid.weg does not exist....
neither does the file,