Forum OpenACS Forum Summaries: Dev 2004/09/03 - 09/08

Posted by Jade Rubick on

OpenACS Developmental Forum Summary: 9/3 - 9/8/2004

(Note: not every post will be included, especially on high-volume days.  Comments on editorial style welcomed.  If you really want everything, read the whole forum yourself.)

OpenACS Core


  • Contacts: Jeroen VanDongen is starting to work on implementing relations between contacts and organizations, and contacts and contacts. He's planning on using the group/composition/rel-seg datamodel, but wanted to know if this is a valid use of these tables.
  • Contacts Matthew Geddert said that when the contacts package is fully released, it will contain documentation that will show how to integrate other packages with contacts, and how to add contact 'portlets' in other applications. Nima Mazloumi asked when the release was expected, and Jon Griffin asked if it will be possible to make contacts not be a singleton package.

Looking for help (and not yet receiving it)

  • Juanjo Ruiz is looking for the old query extractor tool, which was used for porting queries from the original ACS to OpenACS. The link is also incorrect in the FAQ, so it would be helpful if someone posted a location that this was available.
  • Luis Unda needs to help trimming numbers from a string (in Oracle SQL?).


2: Dev 2004/09/08 - 09/10 (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on

OpenACS Developmental Forum Summary: 9/8 - 9/10/2004

(Note: Dev Forum summaries are made on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Comments on editorial style welcomed.  If you really want everything, read the whole forum yourself.)

OpenACS Core

  • Permissions: Don Baccus asserted that the permissions system was quite efficient, and said that in most cases it scales log2(N), with N being the number of objects. He said that the route to improving performance was reducing the number of global permissions (foo_read). He also pointed out that a lot of packages assign permissions without actually using them.


  • Attribute Management System (AMS)
    • Matthew Geddert is working on a new package called the Attribute Management System (AMS) that will let you tie in revision controlled attributes to any OpenACS object. He plans to put it in CVS by next week. The package will automatically generated ad_form forms. He says the package is complex, so it will need some documentation before it is useful.
  • Contacts:
    • Matthew Geddert expects to release a full number version of Contacts by the end of the month. Planned improvements: make it not a singleton, Outlook .csv and Yahoo .csv imports and exports and possibly vCard import and export. He discussed the possibility of integrating the contact application with the webmail package that Nima has developed.
    • There is a long discussion on the use of group/composition/relationship segments in contacts, and whether contacts should be based on a party or any object. Should a contact be allowed to be linked to an event or other type of object, or only a person? They also discussed some UI issues and how to relate these packages and objects together.

Looking for help