Forum OpenACS Q&A: Support for PostgreSQL 8.0?

Posted by Frank Bergmann on

did you see that PostgreSQL 8.0.0 beta2 is out at ? This is a long awaited dream for us because it would allow us to produce a "single unified OpenACS installer" for M$-Win that would allow "less sophisticated users" to install OpenACS in a matter of seconds...

Such an installer would include:
- OpenACS 5.1.x
- PostgreSQL 8.0.x
- AOLServer 4.0.x with its modules (Jamie Rasmussen
- some GPLed P/O modules and
- some database dumps with sample configurations

So this weekend we have started putting things together using postgresql-8.0-beta2-dev3.msi from and AOLserver_4-0-beta-10_2003-08-04.msi from Jamies page above. It took  quite a while to figure out NOT to install these programs in "Program Files" because of the space in the path... Our current TCL config file is available at

Starting with the OpenACS bootstrap installer, We've already figured out some minor issues such as pg_proc.proname which is of type "name" now and needs an explicit cast to varchar. Right now we're looking at the release notes (C:\postgres\doc\html\release.html, no public URL yet) and try to get the code running step-by-step. However, we don't have CVS write permissions to the core so I'm not sure how to proceed. Is the "OpenACS core team" going after these issues or should we participate?


Posted by Jeff Davis on
I fixed a bunch of the 8.0 compatibility problems on HEAD.
Here is the commit
If you have things besides that you could submit a bug + patch .
Posted by Frank Bergmann on
Hi Jeff,

thanks for the hint and for your work. We've installed HEAD and managed to get it running under PG 8.0 Windows.

We encountered two problems still:
- The timezones module didn't get installed, but we could source it manually
- An error in opening PSQL isn't reported in 00-database-procs.tcl. I've filed a bug report about it. It's really a nasty one, because the error message comes much later when OpenACS complains that "apm_module_xxxx does't exist" or something similar.
