Dave, you saw it in the bids to Concord and PBS. Collaboraid helped me write the following.
Additional evidence of .LRN’s extensibility are the innovative learning tools being developed with .LRN. One example is the Dutch legal educational consortium ROCS (RechtenOnline, including Leiden, Tilberg, and Rotterdam Universities) commissioned the Simulation package as the platform for a virtual city and system for law training. The city consists of hundreds or thousands of virtual locations and characters. Instructors create legal scenarios, such as a civil lawsuit or an EU regulatory review, with a set of roles (Judge, defense lawyer, plaintiff's lawyer, and so on) and tasks (file a motion, respond to motion, etc).
Professors then customize the legal scenarios for their specific classes and enroll their students. Students are automatically divided into groups and roles, and conduct the simulation through a web interface, webmail and email. For example, a student playing the Plaintiff may receive a message with instructions and hints to navigate the virtual world, interview witnesses, and file a motion with the Judge. When this is complete, the student playing the Judge receives a message with the document, and must respond to it in kind. Some roles may be reserved for teaching assistants or professors, and Professors can review all students work.