Forum OpenACS Development: Replacement for places package.

Posted by Jon Griffin on
I had started acs-location at AD and was told to quit working on it because the places package would be infinitely better. I think the consensus from those attempting to use places has been to dump it and forget it was written.

Anyway, if you check out you can read my thoughts and see if it is worth continuing to use this to replace the horrid places module.

This is only a concept at this point and I am looking for comments, etc. NO code has been written.

Posted by Domingo Alvarez duarte on
Well I've part of this before, I'm repeating here the actual working
version here again for comments and sugestion.
I have something like this working in coldfusion and I think it works
quite well and could be used here for openacs.

-- $Id: areas_and_languages,v 1.7 2001/05/13 22:54:33 mingo Exp $
-- Areas and language data model

create sequence dad_languages_seq;

create table dad_languages(
    lang_id		integer not null default nextval('dad_languages_seq') primary key,
    name		varchar(50) not null,
    short_name		varchar(10),
    native_name		varchar(50),
    translation_id	integer

create table dad_translations(
    translation_id	integer not null,
    lang_id		integer not null references dad_languages,
    content		text,
    primary key (translation_id,lang_id)

create sequence dad_areas_type_seq;

create table dad_areas_type(
    area_type_id	integer not null default nextval('dad_areas_type__seq') primary key,
    country_id		integer default 0,
    area_group_id	integer not null default 0,
    name		varchar(50) not null,
    translation_id	integer -- references dad_translations( translation_id ) match partial

insert into dad_areas_type values(0,0,0,'Root',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(1,0,0,'Country',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(2,0,0,'Region',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(3,0,0,'SubRegion',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(4,0,0,'City',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(5,0,0,'District',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(6,0,0,'Street',null);
insert into dad_areas_type values(7,0,0,'Building',null);

create sequence dad_areas_seq;
create table dad_areas(
    area_id		integer not null default nextval('dad_areas_seq') primary key,
    level_1		integer not null default 0,
    level_2		integer not null default 0,
    level_3		integer not null default 0,
    level_4		integer not null default 0,
    level_5		integer not null default 0,
    level_6		integer not null default 0,
    level_7		integer not null default 0,
    area_type_id	integer references dad_areas_type,
    name		varchar(100) not null,
    short_name		varchar(10),
    zip			varchar(50),
    translation_id	integer, -- references dad_tranlations(tranlation_id) match partial,
    constraint dad_unique_area unique(level_1,level_2,level_3,level_4,level_5,level_6,level_7)

insert into dad_areas values(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'World',null,null);

create function dad_add_area_in(
    integer,	-- area_id
    integer,	-- area_type_id
    varchar,	-- name
    varchar,	-- zip
    integer	--translation_id
) returns integer as '
    p_area_id		alias for $1;	
    p_area_type_id	alias for $2;
    p_name		alias for $3;
    p_zip		alias for $4;
    p_translation_id	alias for $5;
    v_new_area_id	integer;
    v_area_rec		dad_areas%ROWTYPE;
    v_new_area_id := -1;
    select into v_area_rec * from dad_areas where area_id = p_area_id;
    if found then
	if v_area_rec.level_1 = 0 then 
	    select into v_area_rec.level_1 max(level_1) +1 
	    from dad_areas
	    where level_2 = 0;
	    if v_area_rec.level_1 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_1 := 1; end if;
	    v_area_rec.level_2 := 0;
	    v_area_rec.level_3 := 0;
	    v_area_rec.level_4 := 0;
	    v_area_rec.level_5 := 0;
	    v_area_rec.level_6 := 0;
	    v_area_rec.level_7 := 0;
	else if v_area_rec.level_2 = 0 then 
		select into v_area_rec.level_2 max(level_2) +1 
		from dad_areas
		where level_1 = v_area_rec.level_1
		and level_3 = 0;
		if v_area_rec.level_2 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_2 := 1; end if;
		v_area_rec.level_3 := 0;
		v_area_rec.level_4 := 0;
		v_area_rec.level_5 := 0;
		v_area_rec.level_6 := 0;
		v_area_rec.level_7 := 0;
	    else  if v_area_rec.level_3 = 0 then 
		    select into v_area_rec.level_3 max(level_3) +1 
		    from dad_areas
		    where level_1 = v_area_rec.level_1
		    and level_2 = v_area_rec.level_2
		    and level_4 = 0;
		    if v_area_rec.level_3 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_3 := 1; end if;
		    v_area_rec.level_4 := 0;
		    v_area_rec.level_5 := 0;
		    v_area_rec.level_6 := 0;
		    v_area_rec.level_7 := 0;
		else  if v_area_rec.level_4 = 0 then 
			select into v_area_rec.level_4 max(level_4) +1 
			from dad_areas
			where level_1 = v_area_rec.level_1
			and level_2 = v_area_rec.level_2
			and level_3 = v_area_rec.level_3
			and level_5 = 0;
			if v_area_rec.level_4 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_4 := 1; end if;
			v_area_rec.level_5 := 0;
			v_area_rec.level_6 := 0;
			v_area_rec.level_7 := 0;
		    else  if v_area_rec.level_5 = 0 then 
			    select into v_area_rec.level_5 max(level_5) +1 
			    from dad_areas
			    where level_1 = v_area_rec.level_1
			    and level_2 = v_area_rec.level_2
			    and level_3 = v_area_rec.level_3
			    and level_4 = v_area_rec.level_4
			    and level_6 = 0;
			    if v_area_rec.level_5 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_5 := 1; end if;
			    v_area_rec.level_6 := 0;
			    v_area_rec.level_7 := 0;
			else  if v_area_rec.level_6 = 0 then 
				select into v_area_rec.level_6 max(level_6) +1 
				from dad_areas
				where level_1 = v_area_rec.level_1
				and level_2 = v_area_rec.level_2
				and level_3 = v_area_rec.level_3
				and level_4 = v_area_rec.level_4
				and level_5 = v_area_rec.level_5
				and level_7 = 0;
				if v_area_rec.level_6 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_6 := 1; end if;
				v_area_rec.level_7 := 0;
			    else  if v_area_rec.level_7 = 0 then 
				    select into v_area_rec.level_7 max(level_7) +1 
				    from dad_areas
				    where level_1 = v_area_rec.level_1
				    and level_2 = v_area_rec.level_2
				    and level_3 = v_area_rec.level_3
				    and level_4 = v_area_rec.level_4
				    and level_5 = v_area_rec.level_5
				    and level_6 = v_area_rec.level_6;
				    if v_area_rec.level_7 < 1 then v_area_rec.level_7 := 1; end if;
				end if;
			    end if;
			end if;
		    end if;
		end if;
	    end if;
	end if;
        select into v_new_area_id nextval(''dad_areas_seq'');
	insert into dad_areas values(
    end if;
    return v_new_area_id;
end;' language 'plpgsql';

create view dad_area_tree as
    select a2.area_id as seed, a1.*
    from dad_areas as a1, dad_areas as a2
    a1.area_id = a2.area_id
	a1.level_1 = a2.level_1
	and a1.level_2 = 0 
	a1.level_1 = a2.level_1
	and a1.level_2 = a2.level_2
	and a1.level_3 = 0 
	a1.level_1 = a2.level_1
	and a1.level_2 = a2.level_2
	and a1.level_3 = a2.level_3
	and a1.level_4 = 0 
	a1.level_1 = a2.level_1
	and a1.level_2 = a2.level_2
	and a1.level_3 = a2.level_3
	and a1.level_4 = a2.level_4
	and a1.level_5 = 0
	a1.level_1 = a2.level_1
	and a1.level_2 = a2.level_2
	and a1.level_3 = a2.level_3
	and a1.level_4 = a2.level_4
	and a1.level_5 = a2.level_5
	and a1.level_6 = 0 
	a1.level_1 = a2.level_1
	and a1.level_2 = a2.level_2
	and a1.level_3 = a2.level_3
	and a1.level_4 = a2.level_4
	and a1.level_5 = a2.level_5
	and a1.level_6 = a2.level_6 
	and a1.level_7 = 0 
    ) limit 7;

create view dad_area_leafs as
    select a2.area_id as root, a1.*
    from dad_areas as a1, dad_areas as a2
    where 1=1
	case when a2.level_1 = 0 then
	    (a1.level_2 = 0) 
	    case when a2.level_2 = 0 then
		((a1.level_1 = a2.level_2) and (a1.level_3 = 0))
		case when a2.level_3 = 0 then
			(a1.level_1 = a2.level_1) 
			and (a1.level_2 = a2.level_2) 
			and (a1.level_4 = 0)
		    case when a2.level_4 = 0 then
			    (a1.level_1 = a2.level_1)
			    and (a1.level_2 = a2.level_2)
			    and (a1.level_3 = a2.level_3)
			    and (a1.level_5 = 0)
			case when a2.level_5 = 0 then
				(a1.level_1 = a2.level_1)
				and (a1.level_2 = a2.level_2)
				and (a1.level_3 = a2.level_3)
				and (a1.level_4 = a2.level_4)
				and (a1.level_6 = 0)
			    case when a2.level_6 = 0 then 
				(a1.level_1 = a2.level_1)
				and (a1.level_2 = a2.level_2)
				and (a1.level_3 = a2.level_3)
				and (a1.level_4 = a2.level_4)
				and (a1.level_5 = a2.level_5)
				and (a1.level_6 = 0)
				(a1.level_1 = a2.level_1)
				and (a1.level_2 = a2.level_2)
				and (a1.level_3 = a2.level_3)
				and (a1.level_4 = a2.level_4)
				and (a1.level_5 = a2.level_5)
				and (a1.level_6 = a2.level_6)

create function dad_populate_areas( integer )
returns integer as '
    v_x		alias for $1;
    v_r1	integer;
    v_r2	integer;
    v_r3	integer;
    v_r4	integer;
    v_r5	integer;
    v_r6	integer;
    v_r7	integer;
    for v_1 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_1 is %'',v_1;
	select into v_r1 dad_add_area_in(0,1,''level_1-'' || cast(v_1 as char) ,null,null);
	for v_2 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_2 is %'',v_2;
	    select into v_r2 dad_add_area_in(v_r1,2,''level_2-'' || cast(v_2 as char) ,null,null);
	    for v_3 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_3 is %'',v_3;
		select into v_r3 dad_add_area_in(v_r2,3,''level_3-'' || cast(v_3 as char) ,null,null);
		for v_4 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_4 is %'',v_4;
		    select into v_r4 dad_add_area_in(v_r3,4,''level_4-'' || cast(v_4 as char) ,null,null);
		    for v_5 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_5 is %'',v_5;
			select into v_r5 dad_add_area_in(v_r4,5,''level_5-'' || cast(v_5 as char) ,null,null);
			for v_6 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_6 is %'',v_6;
			    select into v_r6 dad_add_area_in(v_r5,6,''level_6-'' || cast(v_6 as char) ,null,null);
			    for v_7 in 1..v_x loop
-- RAISE NOTICE ''v_7 is %'',v_7;
				select into v_r7 dad_add_area_in(v_r6,7,''level_7-'' || cast(v_7 as char) ,null,null);
			    end loop;
			end loop;
		    end loop;
		end loop;
	    end loop;
	end loop;
    end loop;

    return 0;
end;' language 'plpgsql';

-- insert into dad_areas_type values(1,0,0,'calle',0);
select dad_add_area_in(0,1,'Espana',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(0,1,'Brasil',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(0,1,'Portugal',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(1,1,'Andalucia',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(4,1,'Malaga',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(5,1,'Malaga ciudad',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(6,1,'Centro',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(7,1,'Larios',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(1,1,'Extremadura',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(4,1,'Cadiz',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(5,1,'Fuengirola',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(6,1,'La Paz',null,null);
select dad_add_area_in(7,1,'Juan Miguel',null,null);
select dad_populate_areas(4);
Posted by Jon Griffin on
Why is everyone trying to make a complicated problem so much more complicated? Make a table with 100K rows of this and run it and see what happens.

There are already standards for this stuff.

Posted by Domingo Alvarez duarte on
What do you think that will happen ?
What's the problem there ?
Posted by Domingo Alvarez duarte on
A small test I did to see what could happen:

Database created using "select dad_populate_areas(8);"
it took 80 minutes on a machine "Duron 800MHZ 256M"

Now some play

++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:44:46 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain select count(*) from dad_areas;" dad_test

Aggregate  (cost=57195.47..57195.47 rows=1 width=0)
  ->  Seq Scan on dad_areas  (cost=0.00..51203.58 rows=2396758 width=0)

psql -c "select count(*) from dad_areas;" dad_test
(1 row)

------ end -------- vie may 25 00:44:46 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:45:24 CEST 2001
++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:45:24 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain select * from dad_areas where area_id=1034876;" dad_test

Index Scan using dad_areas_pkey on dad_areas  (cost=0.00..5.01 rows=1 width=165)

psql -c "select * from dad_areas where area_id=1034876;" dad_test
 area_id | level_1 | level_2 | level_3 | level_4 | level_5 | level_6 | level_7 | area_type_id |   name    | short_name | zip | translation_id 
 1034876 |       7 |       4 |       6 |       1 |       5 |       4 |       7 |            7 | level_7-7 | es         |     |               
(1 row)

------ end -------- vie may 25 00:45:24 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:45:25 CEST 2001
++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:45:25 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain update dad_areas set short_name='es' where area_id between 1345000 and 1500000;" dad_test

Index Scan using dad_areas_pkey on dad_areas  (cost=0.00..46492.07 rows=11984 width=157)

psql -c "update dad_areas set short_name='es' where area_id between 1345000 and 1500000;" dad_test
UPDATE 155001
------ end -------- vie may 25 00:45:25 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:46:17 CEST 2001
++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:46:17 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain select * from dad_area_tree where seed=1879000;" dad_test

Subquery Scan dad_area_tree  (cost=0.00..27779.22 rows=7 width=193)
  ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..27779.22 rows=7 width=193)
        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..242949.23 rows=61 width=193)
              ->  Index Scan using dad_areas_pkey on dad_areas a2  (cost=0.00..5.01 rows=1 width=28)
              ->  Seq Scan on dad_areas a1  (cost=0.00..51203.58 rows=2396758 width=165)

psql -c "select * from dad_area_tree where seed=1879000;" dad_test
  seed   | area_id | level_1 | level_2 | level_3 | level_4 | level_5 | level_6 | level_7 | area_type_id |   name    | short_name | zip | translation_id 
 1879000 | 1797572 |      10 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |            1 | level_1-7 |            |     |               
 1879000 | 1872471 |      10 |       3 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |            2 | level_2-3 |            |     |               
 1879000 | 1877153 |      10 |       3 |       2 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |            3 | level_3-2 |            |     |               
 1879000 | 1878909 |      10 |       3 |       2 |       4 |       0 |       0 |       0 |            4 | level_4-4 |            |     |               
 1879000 | 1878983 |      10 |       3 |       2 |       4 |       2 |       0 |       0 |            5 | level_5-2 |            |     |               
 1879000 | 1878993 |      10 |       3 |       2 |       4 |       2 |       2 |       0 |            6 | level_6-2 |            |     |               
 1879000 | 1879000 |      10 |       3 |       2 |       4 |       2 |       2 |       7 |            7 | level_7-7 |            |     |               
(7 rows)

------ end -------- vie may 25 00:46:17 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:46:56 CEST 2001
++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:46:56 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain select count(*) from dad_areas where level_1=5 and level_2=2 and level_3=7;" dad_test

Aggregate  (cost=5.02..5.02 rows=1 width=0)
  ->  Index Scan using dad_unique_area on dad_areas  (cost=0.00..5.02 rows=1 width=0)

psql -c "select count(*) from dad_areas where level_1=5 and level_2=2 and level_3=7;" dad_test
(1 row)

------ end -------- vie may 25 00:46:56 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:46:57 CEST 2001
++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:46:57 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain update dad_areas set name= name || short_name where short_name='es';" dad_test

Seq Scan on dad_areas  (cost=0.00..57195.47 rows=11984 width=171)

psql -c "update dad_areas set name= name || short_name where short_name='es';" dad_test
UPDATE 355002
------ end -------- vie may 25 00:46:57 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:50:36 CEST 2001
++++++ start ++++++ vie may 25 00:50:36 CEST 2001
psql -c "explain select count(*) from dad_areas where short_name='es';" dad_test

Aggregate  (cost=57225.43..57225.43 rows=1 width=0)
  ->  Seq Scan on dad_areas  (cost=0.00..57195.47 rows=11984 width=0)

psql -c "select count(*) from dad_areas where short_name='es';" dad_test
(1 row)

------ end -------- vie may 25 00:50:36 CEST 2001 - vie may 25 00:51:09 CEST 2001
Posted by Jon Griffin on
Add a call to the permissioning subsytem (like a real site would).
Also, how do you present a screen to a user to input something as simple as an address?
That user lives in Switzerland.
And another lives in Cuba
And another lives in Japan
The web operator also needs to send out his order to a fulfillment house and they only accept xml output and the addresses must be validated. If they have more than a 5% error rate on postal addresses they get charged more.

Just some examples.

Posted by Jon Griffin on
One other thing
acs-reference is the place for all your reference data
  • create table dad_languages
  • create table dad_translations
If you were going to use this schema.
Posted by Domingo Alvarez duarte on
To have one idea of how could be a user interface for that have a look at press the "Location finder" button, and to fill in an address on the left side click the menu option "Add your company" and try fill in the form.
Posted by Jon Griffin on
I don't see any link for location finder.
Posted by Domingo Alvarez duarte on
Read again, I've said a button labeled "Location finder".
Posted by Jon Griffin on
This is not anywhere near a general purpose solution.

  • I can't enter my US address as I am forced to choose from your predefined list.
  • Javascript? No way.
  • You didn't answer my questions above
I have also in the past tried to normalize everything to death. It doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is that there is NO international standard for addresses.

There is not even a way to get all the locale info even if I wanted to use your solution.

This is why I suggest using HR-XML's basic premise. They have a standard used by a lot of companies and have thought this through for a long time. It is the closest thing I have found to a universal format.

Again, I would suggest that you load up 50,000 locations (that isn't even the whole US) and make a real ACS app where permissions are called and see what happens. This has already been proven to not scale at all, both at AD when I worked there and with some other private companies attempting to use places.

acs-reference already has what is needed so building acs-location should go on top of that.

Posted by Jerry Asher on
I'm trying to come up with a data model that can hold western blots and some other locale specific identifier.  SSN in the USA.


Posted by Gary Jin on
Hi Jon,

Interesting enough to note about Places and acs-location. With ACS 4.x 's OO style datamodel, having 50000 new geographic objects pumped into the system was a really quick way to crash the permissioning system. (Oracle reports out of TEMP space) ACS 4.2 seem to have a better handling on that problem, but some query still takes a life time to finish if not take the server down.

Posted by Don Baccus on
Yes, this is one of the big problems with the places package and one of the reasons we want to replace it.