When loaded, the table us_zipcodes contains no data.
service0=# \d us_zipcodes
Table "public.us_zipcodes"
Column | Type | Modifiers
zipcode | character(5) | not null
name | character varying(100) | not null
fips_state_code | character(2) | not null
fips_county_code | character(6) | not null
latitude | numeric |
longitude | numeric |
packages/ref-us-zipcodes/info/zcta5.txt has this legend:
Computer:~/service0/packages/ref-us-zipcodes/info service0$ more legend
The ZCTA file contains data for all 5 digit ZCTAs in the 50 states,
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of Census 2000. The file
is plain ASCII text, one line per record.
* Columns 1-2: United States Postal Service State Abbreviation
* Columns 3-66: Name (e.g. 35004 5-Digit ZCTA - there are no post office names)
* Columns 67-75: Total Population (2000)
* Columns 76-84: Total Housing Units (2000)
* Columns 85-98: Land Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only.
* Columns 99-112: Water Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only.
* Columns 113-124: Land Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only.
* Columns 125-136: Water Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only.
* Columns 137-146: Latitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or
"-" denoting North or South latitude respectively
* Columns 147-157: Longitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or
"-" denoting East or West longitude respectively
Data for fips_county_code is missing, and required for completing a customer service query in ecommerce (see bug: https://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/com/ecommerce/bug?bug%5fnumber=1619 ).
A note in cvs states that the data was moved out of sql to faster "bulk data loading".
Is someone working on recreating the table?
Should I just delete packages/ref-us-zipcodes/info/zcta5.txt and add a \COPY us_zipcodes TO us_zipcodes.txt in cvs??
or something else?