Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Projects/tickets/assignments

Posted by Andrei Popov on
I have done some digging: I think that the issue is with function ticket_user_can_edit_project_p. This select statement:
     count(*) into count_check 
     user_id= v_user_id
     and (role=''internal'' or role=''administrator'') 
     and group_id in (select team_id 
		      from ticket_project_teams 
		      where parent_project_p(project_id,v_project_id)=''t'');
only picks employees that are labled as 'internal' (which is only an option when one creates teams from /team), while all employees added from project level show up as 'member'. The question is, then, whether employees should be added as 'internal' at the project level or whehther the function in question should include or role=''member'' in its definition. I would opt for the second solution.