Thank you for your posting. It's timely.
We do need to clarify the release process for .LRN. You will hear more from Carl on this topic soon, particularly concrete steps and process.
Let me make a couple of general points from the perspective of the .LRN Board.
First, beginning with the 2.1 release the focus will be on performance, reliability, and usability. New features will be secondary. We have made considerable progress with performance and reliability, but we need to continue to monitor large installations (e.g. Valencia) and incorporate best practices from Bergen and Vienna. We have made minor improvements in usability and, therefore, it remains the key challenge and priority for .LRN during the next few releases. We need to pay attention to our users and they are telling us: Usability, Usability, Usability!
Second, we need to establish proper governance so that users (not bureacrats like me) are empowered to establish the priorities for the release. In particular, the User Advisory Board as representatives of the user community should be in the driver's seat and have the greatest voice in determining priorities and establishing direction. Now that the .LRN consortium has been formed we are now in a much better position to establish user-driven governance and user-driven innovation.
Roc, thank you again for opening this very important topic and dialogue.