The problem solved...
Thanks for your help.
Here the trace:
<blockquote> 1) Run "apachectl configtest" and see if the syntax of your
httpd.conf file is ok..
../bin/apachectl configtest
Syntax OK
<blockquote> 2)Look at the error_log for more detailed information. My guess
is that you are running on a platform that requires you to run
tail -f ../logs/error_log
mod_aolserver startup failed: couldn't open "/usr/local/apache_1.3.20/./conf/nsd.ini": nosuch file or directory
<blockquote> "ldconfig" whenever you add additional libraries to the system..
Did you just install Postgres? If so, you linked against the PG
libraries; if you did not re-run ldconfig and add the PG libs to the cache, then starting Apache will fail.