i just got same probelm here.
i indirectly got my "control" Font. as brian says
WE can get control font if we set our default printer to pos printer. i use tm-u220b.
brian and others.
epson use character out side from writeable ascii.
so we almost can't use any writed text to control the printer function such as cut partial or other function.
i use comport tool kit which can send hex character.
for example i can cut partial if i send 1B 69 (in hex)
try communication tool program to send hex character.
and there is other trick to use normally word pad to send character under writeable ascii. it's by using control font which translate our font to unwriteable ascii (control character in ascii table).
i also got epson advance driver. now i will translate what is control font send to printer.
i will use cable from com 1 to com 2. then from com 1 i send control font. i rread from com 2 by comport tool kit to get it's hex value. if you have other snipper program to sniff com port, you don;t have to use any cable. just sniff it.
comport tool kit will give ablility to sniff but with limited periode. i already expired.
good luck
PS: we can discus diectly to mailto:hardythe@cbn.net.id