Hi Rafael,
Aristoi is actually working on three projects that would provide ways to more easily create and present course materials inside of .LRN.
Most directly we have created BCMS based portlets. We call the package ee-portlets because it interacts with an extension of survey we created called Evaluation Elements. This package allows a user to create content that can use ADP tags, include adp files and use certain variables. In the projects we use it for only Site Wide Admin have access to this functionality. I believe it will be hard to make this secure enough to give to every user, but this functionality greatly extends the site's publishers ability to create and manage rich and interactive content with basic html skills. We will try to contribute this back to the OACS by the end of the year. It is BCMS dependent so we need to sync up BCMS with our version. If anyone is interested in helping us with upgrade and integration please let us know. Deds is the lead developer on this.
A very simple solution is an extension of new-portal to allow you have a portal page content display any url, internal or external. This allows you to create the content elsewhere on your site or a static html site and bring it seamlessly into your class. We will contribute this back shortly. Roel is the lead developer on this.
Finally, as part of our bid with PBS we are working on integrating LORS more closely with CMS so you can add resources to your LORS course content through the web interface and share the same resource in different courses. Next few days would be a great time to discuss ideas and a wish list of features, we will be writing a brief design document by Monday in support of our bid. Ernie is the lead developer on this.