I have implemented a 0.1d version of a reminder package. This is a request for comments.
Package name: reminder
Table: reminders
To set a reminder, the user calls reminder__new (a Tcl entry point should probably be provided).
Here is the sql for creating reminder__new:
integer, -- reminder.object_id%TYPE
integer, -- reminder.reminder_from_id%TYPE
integer, -- reminder.reminder_to_id%TYPE
timestamptz, -- reminder.reminder_time%TYPE
varchar -- reminder.reminder_msg%TYPE
RETURNS integer
AS 'declare
new__object_id alias for $1;
new__from_id alias for $2;
new__to_id alias for $3;
new__when alias for $4;
new__msg alias for $5;
insert into reminders
(object_id, reminder_from_id, reminder_to_id, reminder_time, reminder_msg)
(new__object_id, new__from_id, new__to_id, new__when, new__msg);
return 0;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
This works with the table defined below. A reminder-init.tcl schedules reminder::task::email_reminder, which sends an email out at the specified time (using code shameless ripped from the Project Manager package -- thank you). Currently it sweeps for reminders every 60 seconds, but this will become a package parameter. As I've written this, I've thought of several other things that could be done better, but for now I'm resisting temptation and wanting to make sure I'm on the right track of providing what people want, and especially something that can be used by the Calendar package (Dirk?).
create table reminders (
object_id integer
constraint reminders_object_id_fk
references acs_objects(object_id)
on delete cascade,
reminder_from_id integer
constraint reminders_to_id_fk
references parties(party_id)
on delete cascade,
reminder_to_id integer
constraint reminders_from_id_fk
references parties(party_id)
on delete cascade,
reminder_time timestamptz, -- constraint > now
reminder_msg varchar(1000),
constraint reminders_unique
unique (object_id, reminder_to_id,reminder_time)
comment on table reminders is '
Table reminders maps the many to many relationship between
a reminder and a party and the owner of the reminder.
comment on column reminders.object_id is '
The object that owns this reminder.
comment on column reminders.reminder_from_id is '
The party_id from whom the message will appear to be sent.
Defaults to the owner_id of the object if null.
comment on column reminders.reminder_to_id is '
The party_id to whom to send the reminder.
comment on column reminders.reminder_time is '
The time to send out the reminder.
comment on column reminders.reminder_msg is '
Message to send/display.