How does OpenACS 4 support external style sheets? 3.2.5 doesn't do
much, leaving it as part of site implementation to change ad_header
to add a link to an external style sheet.
I'd like to suggest a small change in the ACS to better support CSS
styles in ACS 4 (and 3.2.5).
There are four ways a site might support CSS styles. (This is
written up well at http:/
- not at all
- support for offline browsers (that can't download your style
- support for Netscape 4ish, (IE 4, and IE3?) browsers (basically
very broken as far as CSS is considered.)
- support for more modern but still broken browsers (and one day
To support offline browsers, it's a good thing to incorporate a small
number of style tags inline, embedded in the document. Support for
the Netscape 4 broken series is handled by a
> link within your document that sends Netscape 4+
downloading of a presumably more complete style sheet that can
override the simple, embedded styles. Similarly, support for more
modern browsers is handled by a
@import within the linked
stylesheet. Netscape 4ish browsers can't handle the
and will skip it, and this lets you include even more complex and
even conflicting styles that can override the styles listed in the
<LINK REL...> style sheet.
Anyway, I would like to propose three small changes and two big
changes to the routines within the ACS that create headers (mainly
ad_header of course.), context bars, and footers.
Incorporating these changes will make it much easier for sites to
support CSS external style sheets, and will also make it much easier
for sites to modify the out of the box OpenACS look and feel without
requiring editing or redesign of any of the OpenACS modules.
To better support CSS external stylesheets, I propose we:
- add support for browsers with no understanding of styles by
creating ad.tcl parameters for bgcolor, color, link, vlink, alink,
text, and maybe background. (Note that bgcolor and color are
currently supported.) Change ad_header to spit out these parameters
in the <body ... tag.
- add support for offline browsers with a parameter, style_block,
that contains literal text to be included within the
<HEAD of a document. The style block if present would be
placed within a <STYLE block and surrounded by an HTML
comment marker.
- add support for online browsers with a parameter containing a url
to the site's base style sheet
That's three changes that will make it much easier for a site to
support CSS styles, but it's not quite enough for an ACS site that
has many different modules and many types of users.
What I'd really like to do is to make it possible for each page to
specify a different style sheet to link to depending upon a) module
preferences, b) page design, and possibly c) user agent or even media
type. Basically, I'd like to add APIs such that
- a module can determine the url of the main site's base style sheet
- a designer can create and name a set of styles that describe the
pages within a module (e.g. one-column-pages, three-column-pages,
reporting-pages, purchase-pages, etc.)
- a designer can specify for each page in a module, the name of the
module specific style sheet
The obvious way I see this being implemented is through a module
specific callback that ad_header calls. The callback would determine
the url, the user agent (maybe the media) and would return the name
of the style sheet to link to. (And other ideas?)
Now, some of this might be doable by a site today using the
templating system. Two comments then: one, I would like to see a
formal mechanism designed and supported within the OpenACS and two,
styles are light weight, very easy to develop entities. I believe
flexible support of styles is useful even for a site in which
templating doesn't yet make sense. So I would like to see a light
weight solution developed which doesn't bring into play the entire
templating system.
Determining the media might be done in a variety of ways. In
addition to using the user-agent, which is not entirely sufficient, a
site may wish to download browser sniffing javascript on the first
page of any session, and add a session cookie denoting the browser
and it's various capabilities. (I've seen reasonable scripts that
weigh about 1000 bytes.)
My final proposal is something that could probably be handled within
the templating system. Arguably, it might be better handled within
the templating system. Still, I think it's useful at times when
templating is not called for, and I think it provides capabilities
beyond those of the templating system. And that proposal is to give
site developers the ability to modify, on module by module basis,
the values returned by ad_header, ad_footer, and the various context
bar routines. Why one would want to do this and how, I think is best
left for another thread.