Forum OpenACS Development: Tutorial not working

Posted by Rafael Chacon on

I'm new to OpenAcs, and I want to make some small changes to an application running on OpenAcs.

I'm reading all the documentation but when I get to the development tutorial (chapter nine of the documentation), I Follow all the steps but when I want to save the object, I get the folllowing database error.

Database operation "0or1row" failed (exception ERROR, "ERROR: -20000: This items content type mfp_note is not registered to this folder -100

I've looked over the internet and I haven't found much information on how to start on openacs (maybe I haven't looked very well)

If any one could help me on how to get started on Openacs I'd really apreciate it

p.s. There is also an error on the tutorial on the note-edit.tcl file. When I try to save the object with no information on the input I get an error with the titlePage variable. I put the titlePage and context variables right below the ad_page_contract function and it was working

2: Re: Tutorial not working (response to 1)
Posted by Brian Fenton on
Hi Rafael,

sorry to hear you're having problems getting started with OpenACS. I'm not sure which documentation you are using, but the latest docs are all on the wiki. For example:

Can you post the piece of code that is giving you this error?
