Forum .LRN Q&A: LORSM, tracking & reporting

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
Hi all,

recently I started supporting a corporate client actually running a customized version of .LRN 2.2 and now we have to start another similar project. Apart from the usual community tools, the clients focus is on the delivery of WBT and on tracking and reporting about users and courses.

Naturally I'd like to employ the last version of .LRN, but need first to compare the LORSM customizations, developed by Michele Slocovich, against .LRN 2.4 and the HEAD version as well.

I already installed both versions. At first sight it seems that the 2.4 already contains the necessary features, even if lacking some reports present in my customized version. Regarding the HEAD version instead I cant'install LORSM because it requires an higher version of dotlrn.

Is there a way to install and test the HEAD version of LORSM?

Actually we are not using lors-central.

Can it be safely installed in parallel?
What do You guys suggest?

Posted by Dave Bauer on
You can force the install. I don't think it actually requires anything in a newer version of dotlrn.

I am interested in what features/reports you have in your customized version. Would it be possible to share these changes? We might be able to integrate what you need into the next version of LORS if they are generally useful.

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
Hi Dave,

right now the additional reports of my version don't run on .LRN 2.4, because they need some additional view and function definition.

As soon as I finish their porting I can send you a copy. Not sure if they will be genearlly useful.

What about lors-central? Is its usage recommended?

Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Hi Claudio,

lors-central has been deprecated and it's not part of .LRN anymore. I don't know if it would work or not on .lrn 2.4. lors-central depends on the views package and since oracle support has been added to views (table and view identifiers have changed), it probably would need some work first.

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
I'm not at all an expert of .LRN, but it seems to me, comparing my actual version with 2.4, that all the features introduced by Michele into lorsm has been already incorporated into the new release.

About reporting I found in my version a few additional programs that unfortunately are not internationalized and not very polished.

Chances are that during the next project I will make a better version of the reporting programs, but for now they can be found here:

Emmanuelle, I installed the head version of lorsm-central on top of 2.4 and apparently it works well.