Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to from pg7.0.2 to pg7.1.x questions?

Posted by Erik Rogneby on
I recomend the -D flag.  It makes pretty robust dump files. (they will be large as well)

so if you are only going to dump individual databases then use:
pg_dump -D -d dbname > dbname.dmp
If you what to dump all of your databases then use:<br> "pg_dumpall -D > dumpall.dmp"

dumpall will create the users as well.

AND BY ALL MEANS use 7.1.2!  7.1.1 had a bug that sometimes will keep you from loading a datamodel.
Also if you dump individual database from 7.0.2 then you may need to do:
<li>psql -d Name < /web/Name/www/doc/sql/postgres.sql
<li>createlang -d Name plpgsql
<li>createlang -d Name pltcl