Does anyone have a list of knowledge types/categories? I
grabbed a list a while back from a head hunter's website. But
that was only valid for IT skills or knowledge. More usefull would
be a listing of all types of cascading skillsets and
If you're asking this question because you think it will have
an impact on the module design, then my experience with these
knowledge taxonomies is that they're really too generic to be of
much use in most practical, concrete situations. Besides which,
if we need to deal with this level of detail at all, it will be much
later in the process. As long as we design a system that can
deal with a taxonomy, it really doesn't matter which
taxononomy we have in mind. On the other hand, if you're just
asking for your own information, that's a different story.
(Unfortunately, in either case, I don't personally have an answer
for you.)
Most knowledge is currently transfered by email. Making a
system that is as easy as email can be a challenge. Grove is
cool, but is simply too difficult for your average computer user.
Again, my experience is somewhat different. While I agree it
is hard to design a system that people will use, this often has as
much to do with habits and culture as it does with the technology
itself. If you build it, they still may not come. But the corellary is
that underutilization of a given knowledge sharing technology in
a given community or organization doesn't necessarily mean that
there is a problem with the technology. For example, there are
some organizations that would simply never use web-based
bboards, even though this community finds them to be
enormously useful.
I think if we stay focused on the kinds of knowledge sharing
tools we would find useful in the environment or
other environments with which we are familiar (as a group or as
individuals), we'll do OK. We run into danger when we start
getting too abstract.