Hi Don,
I really appreciate all the help and advice you and openacs team has
been giving.
I have a sections of my site that is fairly static. I can just do it
in html, take it further to adp templating. Since I like doing things
properly this sections should use some kind of content management.
Also the site will be used to demo OpenACS capabilities to our clients.
As I understand it cms is just an admin interface to content
repository (CR), workflow and acs-templating. Is this right? If the
way I understand it I can just use CR.
Since my only needs are:
- add/edit content.
- map content or link it. (sections, subsections)
- map content with a corresponding template
So CR should do right? I do file-manager + adp templates but that is
not a real content management system.
So I used cms-news-demo as my reference/example in using CR. In
particular cms-news-demo/www/install-wizard-2.tcl. I want to insert
content and register my folder to CR.
Hurdles are template::begin_db_transcations is not used anymore so I
change it db_transactions. change the ns_ora execute_plsql to
db_exec_plsql. Things are not working ok. I get errors and
investigate why there are happening.
Is there some good simple example on how to insert contents to CR? An
existing ACS module perhaps. I am reading the docs and I used
cms-news-demo as my sample.
How is the file system based CR fuction doing? according to status CR
is PORTED. Does that mean things are pretty much ok? I might try to
use CR on file system if its more simple.
I am really sorry of the so many questions. I really do have a lot of
I just need some kind of a cms-lite. I dont want to reinvent the
wheel here. I would like to use as much as what OpenACS 4 has done.
If i am to create my own cms, etc. Might as well remove OpenACS and
just do it in plain aolserver.
Please help I just need some kind of a simple cms. My site will be a
primarily used for demo for clients, so I need to make use OpenACS 4.x
capabilities. Thanks.