Hello Malte,
for the experience of Galileo installation, putting the info that is in:
as it is in /shared/community-member is not a good performance idea. For instance, if someone clicks on a member that has a bunch of contributions (in Galileo installation), basically the query is so heavy that takes a lot of time and consumes 100% of one of the CPU's (we have two xeon 3.0Ghz cpu's for PG only) for about 10-20 seconds. So we don't want the same code to be accessed by random users that want to know Don's posting history withouth even realizing that they are putting down openacs.org for their curiosity ;)
Maybe splitting the stuff will be a better idea (not showing everything in the same page rather than links for each item type).
I also need to mention that Telefonica I+D is working on user content aggregation for any application through service contracts (basically showing user contributions in one place), they already have some code working and the aim is to release it in january 05, so better not to duplicate the effort, that indeed, is needed. The code aims to replace user/admin & /shared/community-member.