Forum OpenACS Development: Re: upgrade: things do be done

Posted by Don Baccus on
Sniff I helped too Malte :( :( Just kidding ... I agree with the comment about removing the REPLY if the presentation's flat, along with the post number etc. We need to fix preview of course. Dave, when will we get to see that css, it looks like it's not set at the moment? I changed the front page query to group recent posts by forum name, looks more sensible IMO and it's still fast. And of course Dave needs to remember to add the STABLE attribute to the offending ETP PL/pgSQL procs so all sites, not just, can be nice and fast without using magic object numbers :) I have figured out, finally, how to make pagination in the list builder 1) continue to use the paginator 2) to not require any changes to existing client code and 3) to STILL BE ROCKIN' FAST and to have the slowest of the two needed queries to display a page be cachable. Plan to implement it in the next day or two.
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Sorry Don, for sure I'm thankful to your outstanding work as well 😊. And anyone else who was helping with comments, critizism, suggestions and pushing us along.
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
I disagree, the "reply" links even when the Forums display is flat ("Q&A" style) are still useful, and should be kept. Forums keeps track of the threaded discussion underneath, and uses that when displaying only part of the full thread, so replying to a particular post rather than to the thread as a whole has a specific and useful effect.
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
In addition to the "reply" links, we should also add the "in reply to" links back in, so even in Q&A style you can see who has replied to what thread.