I've read quite a few posts about use of HTMLarea with the richtext widget, to get something near a WYSIWYG editor working on OACS/.LRN. But I'm having problems getting the display buttons (i.e. B U I) to show up in the new richtext widget.
Following Nima's instructions (https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=198164) somewhat, I still am not sure of the entire process to follow; i.e. what needs to be declared in dotlrn-master.tcl, if anything.
If anyone's been able to get a package working with this editor, could you please let me know what else was included to get it running.
So far I've gone from the original template::form to (trying to) transform it to ad_form then back to template::form, and came up with this:
template::form create new_uos action "uos_add_insert"
template::element create new_uos code \
-datatype text \
-widget inform \
-html { size 50 } \
-label "UoS Code" \
-value $unit
template::element create new_uos name \
-datatype text \
-html {size 50 } \
-label "UoS Name"
template::element create new_uos credit \
-datatype integer \
-widget select \
-options {{6 6} {0 0} {2 2} {3 3} {4 4} {8 8} {12 12} } \
-label "Credit Value"
template::element create new_uos sem \
-datatype text \
-widget select \
-options { {1 1} {2 2} {Both 3} {Not-Offered 4} } \
-label "Semester Offered"
template::element create new_uos coord \
-datatype richtext \
-widget richtext \
-htmlarea_p "t" \
-html {rows 5 cols 49 wrap soft} \
-label "UoS Coordinator Details"
template::element create new_uos tutors \
-datatype richtext \
-widget richtext \
-htmlarea_p "t" \
-optional \
-html {rows 5 cols 49 wrap soft} \
-label "Lecturers/Tutors"
template::element create new_uos aim \
-datatype richtext \
-widget richtext \
-htmlarea_p "t" \
-optional \
-html { rows 5 cols 49 wrap soft } \
-label "Aims and Objectives"
template::element create new_uos d_form \
-datatype text \
-html {size 50} \
-optional \
-label "Grade Descriptor - Distinction"
template::element create new_uos c_form \
-datatype text \
-html { size 50} \
-optional \
-label "Grade Descriptor - Credit"
template::element create new_uos submit \
-widget submit \
-label "Next ->"
... Which currently gives me an error parsing html tags, in that it doesn't accept variables where I use, for example <i>test</i>