Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to GreatBridge WebSuite -- Why no OpenACS?

Posted by Adam Farkas on
Guys -- I don't think you'll ever see a company support OpenACS at that low price-point.

Bundles like the ones that RH and GB provide support cookie-cutter packages. They help with installation, and "support" is usually limited to something like "postmaster dropped dead, how do I get back on my feet again?" or "Apache and PHP can't speak to one another -- what do I do?"

No company wants the hassle of supporting a mess of custom code that toolkits like OpenACS allow people to build. Not at these prices, anyway.

I doubt you'll ever see any company "supporting" OpenACS for anything less than a kilobuck a month. And even then, i'm sure they'd put strict boundries on what they will and will not cover (How much would you, as an OpenACS expert, charge to diagnose someone's mess of Tcl?)