Andrew - remember that OpenACS 4 works with Oracle as well as Postgres. While our most favorite folks are those who feel comfortable with both RDBMS systems, there's plenty of room for folks who are only using one or the other who want to contribute. Testing, for instance.
And there will be a lot more bug fixing activity going on in OpenACS 4 than in ACS 4.2, including the Oracle version, simply because this is where the active community lives at the moment.
This even includes writing new packages that work with one or the other RDBMS system but not both. If such a package is attractive enough, certainly someone else would be willing to help port it to the
other RDBMS.
Also, I think that doing the kind of enhancements to static-pages you envision would be a lot easier to add for both RDBMS versions than you image.
So ... I'm not trying to twist your arm, but I do want to make sure you undestand that an Oracle user like yourself can be very useful in our environment, and that the fact that you might not have time to explore PG at the moment is no reason (from our point of view, that is) to shy away from our project.