Robert, Sean and Jerry - thanks a lot for your helpful comments.
After reading the Sean's second comment I thought: "yes, that is possible I am that lame" 😊 In fact
I was running nsd from /usr/local/aolserver, but that is also the default prefix specified
in aolserver/include/, so I was running the binaries compiled a while ago, not some old ones.
The problem lies somewhere else, but since I got the right sources from the Roberto's site, I do not care anymore. However I am still curious what happened.
Here is what I did:
I had problems getting the tarball from via browser (Lynx, to be specific), so I managed
to extract the right (?) link and feeded it to wget:
wget -t0
Looks like this link leads to the older version of the Aolserver tarball.
I am wgetting the file again from AD right now and it looks thats the same file I got
2 days ago (size in bytes: 3,659,734). Jerry, what is the size of the tarball you checked?