Forum OpenACS Development: Response to porting a db_dml transaction

Posted by Ola Hansson on
So, in the sql2 case above, are you saying that Oracle can handle "current_timestamp" in place of "sysdate"? (I was on my way to split *that* statement in a generic xql file and an -oracle.xql file).

Okay. Here's a piece I got stuck on although it's similar. I know how to port the psql block, but how do I treat the "extra_vars" when thy're both dynamic and db specific? db_map doesn't seem appropriate...
	set sql "
   :1 :=
      file_path => :client_filename,"

	foreach i_key [array names info_pairs] {
	    append sql "
      $i_key => $info_pairs($i_key),"
	append sql "
      creation_user => :creation_user,
      creation_ip => :creation_ip,
      creation_date => sysdate,
      context_id => :package_id
db_exec_plsql add_mp3 $sql