Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Credit Card Processing

Posted by Bob OConnor on

For historic reasons we have continued to use now called It is a pretty full featured shoping cart for $229/year or $80/quarter. They work with a bunch of different payment processors including paypal. Here is a list of features:

Our Payment processor is "Kachingg"

Securenetshop has a Silent Post feature that sends a copy of the completed (and paid) invoice back to our database.

In addition to the seamless connection with securenetshop, Kachingg has a direct terminal interface for manually processing charges and getting reports.

One thing we are looking for and have NOT yet found is how to charge recurring monthly membership fees. Currently we manually process these with the Kachingg terminal interface.

Has anyone used the OpenACS ecom module to do automated monthly billing? OR is there another alternative? -Bob OConnor