i agree with most of the statements. background delivery is more general than the reverse proxy, since one can do all permission checking etc. as usual in openacs, just the spooling is done via a single thread. This single thread can spool simultaneously several thousands of requests. You can't do that with threads (at least not without modifying the linux kernel). We run into scalability problems with pound (thread based) which were solved by moving to nginx (async delivery).
neophytos, i think, you meant tclthreads and not "tthread" (which sounds close to zoran's ttrace). The c-level code for background delivery is part of naviserver and aolserver 4.5 in the cvs head version. You find patches for aolserver 4.0 and plain 4.5 in the wiki.
xorb is very different from ttrace and is no replacement. ttrace can help to make threads thinner, at the cost of making introspection more complex/wrong. ttrace is not (at least was not) depending on any naviserver code, Zoran wrote it for aolserver. ttrace has XOTcl support and vice versa.
The primary argument in the discussion above: assume you have 10 connection threads configured and you want to server some larger files over some slower lines (600 MB files, delivery might take 2 minutes per request). If 10 people download these files via connection threads at the same time, the server won't be able to serve any requests for these 2 minutes, since tall connection threads are busy; incoming requests will be queued. When you have bgdelivery installed, the connection thread is only used for permission checking and file location on the disk (usually a few milliseconds). This leads to much better scalability.