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XOTcl Request Monitor


Package Specification Summary for Package: xotcl-request-monitor

Summary: Request Monitor with user tracking functionality
Description: <pre> This package provides a Request Monitor for OpenACS applications. It computes performance summary information such as requests/views per second, average response time, number of users connected, lists currently active threads, etc. Furthermore, it can block overactive users (e.g. automated web-bots mirroring the site, users repeating running queries, etc.). It provides as well some user tracking (such as whos-online) with activity measures, it blocks repeated requests (impatient reloads), tracks switching of IP addresses from users, and provides request tracking per user for the monitored time window. It contains as well overall URL statistics with performance measures. Updated for circumventing handler calls OpenACS 5.2 for /resources/*. 0.28 provides calls for listing active communities and users active in these communities. 0.30 provides nice graphical charts (many thanks to Nima) and a new interface to the background thread. In addition, ns_returnfile_background is included; 0.38 using context form xotcl-core 0.39 brings parameterized counter values 0.39 brings optional activity tracking </pre>
Maturity: Mature
This package depends on: acs-kernel acs-tcl xotcl-core acs-templating
Packages that depend on xotcl-request-monitor: None
Package parameters:
Switch double-click-prevention on/off (default on, type string, scope instance)
Slowdown overactive users (default off) (default off, type string, scope instance)
Turn request throttling on or off (default on). If this parameter is turned off, no user-counts etc are provided. (default on, type string, scope instance)
Turn activity monitoring on or off (default off) (default off, type string, scope instance)
List of glob patterns to be used for hiding entries from request lists. Only requests that do not match any of these patterns are displayed unless all requests are forced. Affected pages: - stat-details (list of all recorded URLs with timings) - last-requests (tracking activity of a user) (default *.css *.ico, type string, scope instance)
Number of highest data points in the reporting period. The default of 5 will e.g. show you the top 5 times of requests per minute, hour aso. (default 5, type number, scope instance)
Number of URL entries to be kept in the detailed view of the request statistics (default 100, type number, scope instance)
Monitor performance of the provided URLs (in munin responsetime) (default / /register/ /dotlrn/, type string, scope instance)
List of glob patterns for the summary of sites when an admin uses .../whos-online/. These patterns are matched against the domain names of the peer addresses. (default *wlan* *dsl* *.com *.net *.org, type string, scope instance)
Defines the time window in minutes which is used for detailed monitoring (e.g. calculate the number of active uses and the history of the requests of these users, the number of ip switches, etc.) (default 10, type number, scope instance)
Number of data points used for displaying the trend graphs. The default will show the trend for the last 48 seconds,minutes,hours. It is also the maximum reporting period possible (default 48, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: xotcl-request-monitor

Open Bugs: 0
All Tracked Issues: 2
Latest Bug Opened: This package has no open bugs.
Latest Bug Fixed: 2015-06-26 Russian localization for package xotcl request monitor (HEAD).
Top Bug Submitters: Malte Sussdorff (1) Vlad V (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Gustaf Neumann (2)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: xotcl-request-monitor

# Tcl Procs 8
# Tcl Lines 2297
# Tcl Blank Lines 209
# Tcl Comment Lines 547
# Automated Tests 1
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 17
# ADP lines 449
# Include pages (xotcl-request-monitor/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
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The xotcl--request-monitor depends on xotcl-core and libthread.

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