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.LRN Zen Project: Bug Bash

.LRN/OpenACS Zen Bug Bash

We are planning on having 2 weekend bug bashes. The goal of these bug bashes is to facilitate the OpenACS core and dotLRN package cleanups in order to meet the Zen Project goals and deadline (12 March 2007).  Please signup for any of the four days you can help.  We can use people at all skill levels. You only need to have basic HTML knowledge.  (i.e. you don't have to be an OpenACS expert)

Please try to signup atleast 2 days before the scheduled bash. Once people have signed up, we will assign packages / pages and roles to people.

Dates & Signup

  1. 3 March 2007
  2. 4 March 2007
  3. 10 March 2007
  4. 11 March 2007

Locations and Coordinators

  1. Boston/Somerville, MA - Carl Robert Blesius & Mark Wylie
  2. Madrid - Emmanuelle Raffenne
  3. Portland, OR - Don Baccus
  4. Los Angeles - Avni M. Khatri
  5. Virtual World - IRC at the #openacs channel
  6. Mannheim - Nima Mazloumi, Sven Schmitt, Stefan Wurdack, Ke Zhang
  7. please add your city and name if you can help coordinate


  1. Goals of the Zen Project
  2. Zen Standards (Go here to get details on how to make OpenACS Zen)
  3. Package & Page Assignment
  4. Package & Page Completion

Bug Bash Jobs and Directions

Before you start, join the online bug bash space by logging into the openacs chat: 

Bug Tester

Job description: test, resolve, close, reopen, comment, add info below to tickets 

Bug Sorter

Job description: check, sort, assign, set priority, add info below to tickets

Bug Basher

  1. Check Zen and 2.3 Bugs
  2. Grab bug (assign it to yourself)
  3. Make sure it is correctly prioritized (1 and 2 will be fixed for 2.3 release)
  4. Make sure it is labeled for the 2.3 and/or Zen
  5. Paste the following info into the ticket:
    		Key: [+]=done/yes/selected, [-]=does not apply, [?]=I have no idea

    [ ] Filename: packages/
    [ ] URL:
    [ ] HTML 4.01 Transitional
    [ ] 508 Bug
    [ ] Level A Bug
    [ ] Level AA Bug
    [ ] Level AAA Bug
    [ ] Contrast


  6. Follow the pathway to Zen as outlined on the Zen Standards Page
  7. Close or reassign as you complete steps outlined on that page (make sure and check items off in the list above and categorize bugs as you make progress)
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