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Package Specification Summary for Package: contacts

Summary: This application lets you collaboratively view, edit and categorize contacts.
Description: Contacts is an application for managing all those people and or organization you need to keep track of. It has a complete UI for storing and categorizing contacts. Each contact can have an arbitrary number of custom attributes associated with it, including other contacts (i.e. a certain contact "belongs" to a certain organization). It also functions as a service contract provider for attributes related to users in your system
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: acs-datetime acs-events acs-tcl acs-mail-lite ams ref-countries categories general-comments mail-tracking notifications organizations ajaxhelper
Packages that depend on contacts: accounts-ledger contacts-portlet invoices tasks
Package parameters:
1 if true, 0 if false. If set to 1 all newly created people will be users. If set to 0 you will be asked whether or not a user account should be created. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Changes the default name of a person displayed from "First_names Last_name" to "Last_name, First_names" (default 0, type number, scope instance)
If '1' (True) then we allow a contact to be marked "No Mail", "No Email", and "No Phone". People can be marked deceased and organizations can be closed down (which automatically gives the contact all three privacy settings). This prevents mail merges for the type of contact specified but does not prevent the storage, searching, display or exporting of this contact information. It also puts notices on the contact's summary page and attribute edit page about their privacy wishes. If '0' (False) privacy is not controlled. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Organization ID of the organization running this site (default 0, type string, scope instance)
The default page size for this contacts instance. Acceptable values are 0, 25, 50, 100 or 500. If set to 0 there will be no pagination which can be incredibly slow when you have more than a few hundred contacts. (default 50, type number, scope instance)
The default portlet (default 50, type string, scope instance)
The src of the default portlet layout (default /packages/contacts/lib/portlet, type string, scope instance)
The default attributes to view on the main contact page. This should be a list of attribute_name display_code to show for the attribute, the display code will only show up if the person/contact has a value for that attribute. (default {email} {home_phone} {(h)} {work_phone} {(w)} {mobile_phone} {(m)}, type number, scope instance)
Default 'no'. Valid options are: 'no', 'yours' or 'all'. If set to 'yours' then you can only delete history that was created by you (i.e. the acs_objects tables created_user is your user_id). If set to 'all' you can delete any history item. This does not actually delete the object, its just hidden because an entry is made in the contact_deleted_history table. NOTE: people with admin rights on the package instance are automatically given 'all' permission. (default no, type number, scope instance)
Default '0'. If set to '1' people will not be able to download a csv of the contacts attributes displayed on this contact instances front page. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
1 for yes, 0 for no. Display organization name behind username? (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Default blank. A space seperated list of rel_types for which to redirect a contact to the edit form. If a relationship is altered and the rel_type is in this list the user will be redirected to the attribute edit page for that contact. This is useful for things such as the 'contact_rels_employment', when a user changes employers they often change office phone numbers or email address, and the user should be reminded to update this information. If you specify '*' any rel_type change will redirect. (default , type string, scope instance)
1 for yes, 0 for now. Are email attachments allowed when sending messages? (default 1, type number, scope instance)
1 for yes, 0 for no. Should we force users to search all contacts before they are allowed to add a person or organization? This is not an actual software force but the "add person" and "add organization" buttons will only be displayed after a search on "all contacts." (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Default '0'. Set to '1' to include child contacts instances contacts in searches for this package. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Boolean that indicates if messages of type "email" are going to be logged or not on the contact_message_log (default t, type string, scope instance)
A list of attribute_ids for postal addresses in order of priority. In doing a letter mail merge the first attribute_id in this list that a contact has a value for will be used as the mailing address. If no attribute_ids are specified all postal_address attribute_ids will be used in alphabetical order. (default , type string, scope instance)
Absolute path from computer root to directory containing pdfjoin executables (default /usr/bin/pdfjoin, type string, scope instance)
A tcl list of a person or party object types attribute_names or attribute_ids that you want people in a spousal relationship to keep in sync. For example, if you change a wife's home_phone and home_address you might want it to automatically update the husband's record as well you could put in 'home_phone home_address', or you might possibly want last_names to stay in sync (depending on cultural context), etc. (default , type string, scope instance)
Default '1'. Should we use this contact's instances subsite's application group as the default group? If yes set to '1'. Using the subsites application group as the default group will automatically add all subsite users to this contacts instance. If set to '0' users will not automatically be added to contacts and this contacts instance's contacts will be self contained and not shared with the rest of the system. This should only be changed at install time. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Are users allowed to view other users searches. '1' is yes, '0' is no. The default is '0'. On sites where some users are not allowed to view certain attributes or search condition types this should be '0', since viewing searches from other users may allow you to gain access to information they must not access. Site wide administrators are automatically given permission to view all users searches. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Attribute Extensions: DefaultOrganizationAttributeExtension
List of names of the attributes that will extend a search for Organization separated by ";". (default , type string, scope instance)
Attribute Extensions: DefaultPersonAttributeExtension
List of names of the attributes that will extended a search for a Person separated by ";". (default , type string, scope instance)
Attribute Extensions: DefaultPersonOrganAttributeExtension
List names of the attributes that will extend a search for a person or an organization separated by ";". (default , type string, scope instance)
File Upload: AcceptableFileUploadMIMETypes
* for any. CSV of acceptable MIME Types for File Upload (default *, type string, scope instance)
Photos: AcceptablePhotoUploadMIMETypes
CSV of acceptable MIME Types for Photo Upload (default image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,image/bmp,image/tiff, type string, scope instance)
Photos: ConverttoJpg
0 for no, 1 for yes. Flag to convert images to jpegs automatically (default 1, type string, scope instance)
Photos: ImageMagickPath
Absolute path from computer root to directory containing ImageMagick executables (default /usr/local/bin, type string, scope instance)
Photos: PortraitSize
Max dimensions for portrait (default 200x200, type string, scope instance)
Photos: PortraitThumbnailSize
Max dimensions of portrait thumbnail (default 50x50, type string, scope instance)
Photos: SquareThumbnails
0 for no, 1 for yes. If yes we crop either the top or the bottom of the image to create square thumbnails and portraits (default 1, type string, scope instance)
Photos: ThumbnailSize
Max dimension for thumbnail image (default 125x125, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: AddEditComplaint
The template for the display of the complaint form (default /packages/contacts/templates/ae-complaint, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: Changes
The template src for the changes portlet. (default /packages/contacts/templates/changes, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: Complaint
The template src for complaint page. (default /packages/contacts/templates/complaint, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: ComplaintAE
The template source for complaint-ae. (default /packages/contacts/templates/complaint-ae, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: Contact
The template src for contact. (default /packages/contacts/templates/contact, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: ContactGroups
The template src of the for contact-groups (default /packages/contacts/templates/contact-groups, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: History
The template src for history page (default /packages/contacts/templates/history, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: Index
The template src for the index page (default /packages/contacts/templates/index, type string, scope instance)
Portal Templates: Message
The template src for the message page (default /packages/contacts/templates/message, type string, scope instance)
Tasks Integration: DefaultTasks
A semi-colon (;) delimited list of message-keys representing standard tasks that should be displayed as a drop down on the task add screen (if tasks is installed on the system). (default , type string, scope instance)
Templates: ContactMaster
The master template for an individual contact (default /packages/contacts/lib/contact-master, type string, scope instance)
Templates: ContactSummaryViewTemplate
The contact summary view template to be used (default /packages/contacts/www/contact, type string, scope instance)
Templates: ContactsMaster
The master template for this contacts instance. All pages except indiviual contacts page (as specified by ContactMaster) (default /packages/contacts/lib/contacts-master, type string, scope instance)
Templates: LetterPrintCSSFile
What css file should be used for printing letter messages, this should be relative to server root. Defaults to /resources/contacts/contacts-print.css (default /resources/contacts/contacts-print.css, type number, scope instance)
Templates: OOMailingPath
The directory that contains all files needed for a proper OO mailing. This is the document.odt, content.xml, styles.xml and the banner directory (default /packages//contacts/templates/oo-mailing, type string, scope instance)
Templates: OORemoteConverter
URL of the remote converter. If none is provided we will use the local converter (default , type string, scope instance)
Templates: RequireAdminForTemplatesP
Do we allow users to create templates in the system. If set to 1, only admins can create templates. (default 0, type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: contacts

Open Bugs: 1
All Tracked Issues: 19
Latest Bug Opened: 2005-12-16 Error choosing predefined footer.
Latest Bug Fixed: 2021-01-05 add person.
Top Bug Submitters: Alex Kroman (10) Richard Hamilton (2) Malte Sussdorff (2) Michele Slocovich (1) Matthew Geddert (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Malte Sussdorff (10) Matthew Geddert (5) Dave Bauer (1) Jade Rubick (1) Richard Hamilton (1) Antonio Pisano (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: contacts

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (contacts/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:



Changes in the last 7 days

Release plan 

As a lot of people have asked for it, here is a tentative release plan:

  1. Launch last client site of the current batch on 20th of April.
  2. Upgrade existing clients until 23rd of April.
  3. Wait for errors until 26th of April.
  4. Merge contacts to 5.2 branch
  5. Release by 30th of April.

Latest developments

  • Contacts is subsite and package instance aware
  • Contacts makes sure all persons and organizations are cr_items
  • Performance improvements on searches
  • New searches
    • Last Interaction
    • Customer / Client_id
    • Annual reoccurance (for searching for things such as birthdates or anniversaries)
  • Support for letter (html/css), letterhead (html/css), label (pdf)and envelope (pdf) printing in mass mailings
  • Support for OpenOffice mailings resulting in a PDF document

Mail Through

Mail Tracking offers a feature called mail-through. If the OpenACS system has been properly setup to receive incoming e-mails, mail-through allows you to track replies from users who received an e-mail through contacts in the mail-tracking package as well. 

Future plans

  • Release :-)
  • Mass mailings of OpenOffice documents
  • Integration into the registration process
  • Allowing individual users to update their own records (for the groups where this is enabled).
  • Integration into the various community-member pages
  • Convince others not to use individual packages like Photobook or Assessment for storing person and/or organization related information.  Or how would you answer the question "Show me all parents of my students that are paying for the tuition and have birthday in the next three days so I can send them a birthday card"

Feature requests

  • ability to sync with contact managers, palm pda's etc
previous September 2024
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Popular tags

17 , 5.10 , 5.10.0 , 5.9.0 , 5.9.1 , ad_form , ADP , ajax , aolserver , asynchronous , bgdelivery , bootstrap , bugtracker , CentOS , COMET , compatibility , CSP , CSRF , cvs , debian , docker , docker-compose , emacs , engineering-standards , exec , fedora , FreeBSD , guidelines , host-node-map , hstore
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