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Package Specification Summary for Package: evaluation

Summary: This package allows the users (professors and students) to use the system to submit and grade the tasks.
Description: This package allows the professors and TAs to assign tasks to the students and to grade them, and to the students to upload their answers and see their grades.
Maturity: Mature
This package depends on: calendar dotlrn notifications acs-tcl
Packages that depend on evaluation: attendance evaluation-portlet
Package parameters:
Program (and program options) to use for archiving file storage objects. Use the special tags {in_file} and {out_file} (including the curly braces) to denote the locations of the input and output files on the command line. (default /usr/bin/zip -r {out_file} {in_file}, type string, scope instance)
The extension that the programmer should add to the output file. This depends on the value of ArchiveCommand (default zip, type string, scope instance)
Use this parameter to indicate the position of the assignments portlet (if applicable) in the page. Set this parameter to null if you want to use the default position. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Use this parameter to add the portlets (if you are using them evaluation_assignments and evaluation_evaluations) in a new page. If you do not want the portlets to be set in a new page, set this parameter to null. (default #evaluation.evaluationpagename#, type string, scope instance)
Use this parameter to indicate the position of the evaluations portlet (if applicable) in the page. Set this parameter to null if you want to use the default position. (default 2, type number, scope instance)
Maximum number of bytes allowed for the files in this package. (tasks, tasks sols, student answers, grades sheets, etc) (default 5000, type number, scope instance)
Used to choose between the simple version and the full version (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Flag to determine the storage type. A flag of 1 (true) will store the files in the database. If 0 (false) files are stored in the filesystem. ***This parameter should only be changed at package instance creation.*** (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Allowed protocols to use for the url field when submitting a task, task solution or an answer. Add values separated by comma. (default http://,ftp://,https://, type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: evaluation

Open Bugs: 5
All Tracked Issues: 14
Latest Bug Opened: 2005-09-01 Add task field description with htmlarea small
Latest Bug Fixed: 2007-06-05 List members empty at Report evaluation.
Top Bug Submitters: Dario Roig (4) Emmanuelle Raffenne (3) Malte Sussdorff (2) Alberto Pesquera Martín (2) Jens Hill (2)
Top Bug Fixers: Emmanuelle Raffenne (5) Alberto Pesquera Martín (2) Caroline Meeks (1) Jose Pablo Escobedo Del Cid (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: evaluation

# Tcl Procs 48
# Tcl Lines 1922
# Tcl Blank Lines 294
# Tcl Comment Lines 95
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 12 ORA: 24
# SQL Lines PG: 778 (blank 130 comments 99) ORA: 604 (blank 74 comments 42)
# ADP pages 47
# ADP lines 1353
# Include pages (evaluation/lib/) 5
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
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