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Package Specification Summary for Package: workflow

Summary: A Tcl API for creating and managing workflows.
Description: This package lets you define the process that your tickets, articles, documents, reports, claims, change requests, or any other object of interest, must go through to ensure consistent quality and to avoid that any cases falls through the cracks. It supports the Bug Tracker, CMS publication, simple approval, and much more. <p> For more information, see: <a href="">the workflow specification</a>.
Documentation: Package Documentation
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: acs-content-repository acs-kernel notifications acs-templating
Packages that depend on workflow: bug-tracker curriculum curriculum-central simulation tasks
Package parameters:
Sweeper: SweepTimedActionsFrequency
How frequently should we scan for and fire timed actions which have timed out. Specify the number of seconds between each run of the sweeper. (default 300, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: workflow

Open Bugs: 9
All Tracked Issues: 23
Latest Bug Opened: 2011-06-02 can't specify no state change when editing action
Latest Bug Fixed: 2019-07-23 Running at jobs at the beginning of a minute.
Top Bug Submitters: Ola Hansson (4) Lars Pind (3) Andrew Piskorski (1) Dirk Gomez (1) Carl Coryell-Martin (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Peter Marklund (3) Ola Hansson (3) Jade Rubick (2) Gustaf Neumann (2) Lars Pind (2) Dirk Gomez (1) Emmanuelle Raffenne (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: workflow

# Tcl Procs 221
# Tcl Lines 8243
# Tcl Blank Lines 1394
# Tcl Comment Lines 548
# Automated Tests 8
# Stored Procedures PG: 6 ORA: 10
# SQL Lines PG: 1067 (blank 109 comments 143) ORA: 1017 (blank 104 comments 133)
# ADP pages 9
# ADP lines 316
# Include pages (workflow/lib/) 1
# Documentation pages 40 (Package Documentation)
# Documentation lines 5681
Browse Source API-browser
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Robert Dennis's team at UCLA medical has added a workflow UI that creates nice graphs like the old pertinet one did.  However, the code is likely intermingled with thier own version of Survey.  We need someone to review the code and look into what will be involved to bring the new features into the current workflow package. Contact if you can volunteer

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