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Package Specification Summary for Package: beehive

Summary: Provides an authoring environment to create synchronous collaborative activities that run on the FlashComm server. (needs an installed FlashComm server)
Description: Beehive's framework enables teachers to develop effective, flexible, customizable and reusable pedagogical tools. It also enables teachers to define the collaboration script, which describes how members would collaborate within each activity session.
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: None
Packages that depend on beehive: beehive-portlet
Package parameters:
to specify the adderss of the flash communication server Ex. You also need to create a beehive application on the Flash Comm Server and copy inside it the main.asc file found in the flash folder inside beehive package. make sure that you enable writing permissions for the beehive application on the Flash Comm Server (default, type string, scope instance)
flag to check for first time beehive package usage to allow user to enter the server names (default 0, type number, scope instance)
to specify the adderss of the system URL as the world see you (default, type string, scope instance)
to specify the adderss of the system URL as the world see you! (default, type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: beehive

There is no package with the name "beehive" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: beehive

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (beehive/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:


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17 , 5.10 , 5.10.0 , 5.10.1 , 5.9.0 , 5.9.1 , ad_form , ADP , ajax , aolserver , asynchronous , bgdelivery , bootstrap , bugtracker , CentOS , COMET , compatibility , CSP , CSRF , cvs , debian , docker , docker-compose , emacs , engineering-standards , exec , fedora , FreeBSD , guidelines , host-node-map
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