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Package Specification Summary for Package: news

Summary: Used for announcements and news items.
Description: News publication tool. Publication of plain text or html news items with support for scheduled publication and commentability.
Documentation: Package Documentation
Maturity: Mature
This package depends on: acs-content-repository acs-datetime acs-kernel general-comments notifications rss-support
Packages that depend on news: news-includelet news-portlet
Package parameters:
Default days between release date and archive date. (default 14, type number, scope instance)
Approval policy of submitted news items. It must be either of [open|wait|closed]. Submission by the administrator are ApprovalPolicy = 'open'.This approval policy applies only, if we let 'registered users' upload news items. (default wait, type string, scope instance)
Number of news item headlines displayed per page at most. (default 10, type number, scope instance)
Image format to use when converting images, e.g. png, gif, jpg (default jpg, type string, scope instance)
Geometry specification for scaling images in news, e.g. 120x150 scales images to have a maximum width of 120 px and a maximum height of 150 px. (default 120x150, type string, scope instance)
Acceptable MIME Types for Image Upload in News package (default image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,image/jpg, type string, scope instance)
maximum filesize in kB (default 1024, type number, scope instance)
Interfacing to site-wide-search with a Search-box. (SWS is required). (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Whether we allow comments on news items. (default 1, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: news

Open Bugs: 6
All Tracked Issues: 42
Latest Bug Opened: 2019-04-09 RSS Feed includes archived items
Latest Bug Fixed: 2013-11-04 HTML for Items is not Valid (Missing <p></p>)..
Top Bug Submitters: Eduardo Pérez (4) Michael Steigman (4) Gabriel Burca (3) Jade Rubick (2) Dave Bauer (2)
Top Bug Fixers: Gustaf Neumann (8) Tilmann Singer (5) Dave Bauer (5) Lars Pind (4) Jeff Davis (3) Michael Steigman (2) Stan Kaufman (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: news

# Tcl Procs 28
# Tcl Lines 684
# Tcl Blank Lines 127
# Tcl Comment Lines 38
# Automated Tests 1
# Stored Procedures PG: 13 ORA: 36
# SQL Lines PG: 1059 (blank 140 comments 186) ORA: 1201 (blank 122 comments 129)
# ADP pages 13
# ADP lines 330
# Include pages (news/lib/) 3
# Documentation pages 3 (Package Documentation)
# Documentation lines 612
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