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2007-02-07 Summary


1. Zen vs. acs-core
1.1. Site master template will have to be changed to be compatible with package changes for zen
In particular content pages need to be wrapped in <div class="main"> (or id= or something)
Solution: we do <div class="main"><slave></div>

1.2. CSS

Don propose we duplicate CSS at the moment rather than try to integrate .lrn zen theme css and core - our schedule's tight as tight can be and this would be faster
Someone has to do it (next meeting we'll determine who does what and probably the overall work plan)
Change to be done in oacs-5-3.
Sharing a single css file comes for 5.4

2. oacs 5.3.1 release
2.1. The zen work above
2.2. Greek translations
2.3. Nothing more other than critical bug fixes that hopefully are well-tested
2.4 Target date: 1st. march alpha.
2.5. NOTICE: people who upgrade existing sites will have to change their layout! To what extent is something we have to figure out in the next OCT meeting.
2.6. To work on the layout enhancements:
check this page:
signup for something
contact:  which is the people leading the effort.
.lrn mtg every tuesday at 1700 GMT
2.7. We don't have time to deal with UI clean-up for 5.3.1

Present: lee, don, dave, roc.

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