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Package Specification Summary for Package: ecommerce

Summary: The ACS 3.x based e-commerce solution ported to OpenACS.
Description: This module implements a standard business-to-consumer Web store service. A feature summary is included with the documentaion.
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: acs-datetime acs-kernel ref-countries ref-language ref-us-counties ref-us-states ref-us-zipcodes
Packages that depend on ecommerce: dotlrn-ecommerce scholarship-fund
Package parameters:
set this to 1 if you're using the ecommerce module (default 1, type number, scope instance)
name of ecommerce system (default Store, type string, scope instance)
Froogle: FroogleAccountname
Froogle account name (default 7_sisters, type string, scope instance)
Froogle: FroogleFtpHostname
Hostname of the Froogle Ftp server to upload the data feed to (default, type string, scope instance)
Froogle: FrooglePassword
Froogle password (default , type string, scope instance)
PayPal: PayPalBusiness
email associated with paypal account. (default , type string, scope instance)
PayPal: PayPalBusinessRef
PayPal Secure Merchant Account ID for building forms/buttons with paypal account. (default , type string, scope instance)
PayPal: PayPalStandardMode
PayPal Standard mode: 0 = not used, 1 = shipping by weight, 2 = shipping calculated by price, 3 = custom shipping (as a line item), 5 = use PayPal AddtoCart and ViewCart buttons (default 0, type string, scope instance)
SSL: InsecureLocation
A URL fragment (protocol, hostname, and port) appended before "insecure" transactions URLs. Defaults to "" (default , type string, scope instance)
SSL: SecureLocation
A URL fragment (protocol, hostname, and port) appended before transactions URLs. Defaults to "". If the value is "" ecommerce will examine the values of httpModule and httpsModule to determine the secure location. (default , type string, scope instance)
SSL: httpModule
The AOLserver module that implements "normal" communications (usually nsunix or nssock) Typical behavior favors nsunix over nssock, if both are present. You only need to set this parameter if your site supports both nsunix and nssock, but you prefer nssock. (default , type string, scope instance)
SSL: httpsModule
(deprecated) The preferred AOLserver module that implements SSL. Typical behavior favors nsopenssl over nsssl. This parameter is only important if your site, for some unusual reason supports both nsopenssl as well as nsssl and you prefer nsssl.(deprecated: see to make this work.) Ecommerce package now follows acs-core ssl standards. (default nsopenssl, type string, scope instance)
associated charges: OfferTaxExemptStatusP
Should we ask people if their organization is tax exempt? (default 0, type number, scope instance)
associated charges: ShippingRefundPercent
percentage refunded if an item is returned (default 0, type number, scope instance)
display: CalcProductRelationshipsP
whether the system should calculate additional product relationships (default 0, type number, scope instance)
display: DisplayPriceOfZeroAs
Displays this value instead of zero for a product that has a price of zero. This value might be set to Free to help with external search indexing, or Call to help with products where prices are changing inconveniently fast. (default 0.00, type string, scope instance)
display: ProductCommentsAllowP
whether to allow user comments on products (default 1, type number, scope instance)
display: ProductCommentsNeedApprovalP
whether user comments on products (if allowed) need approval before becoming live (default 1, type number, scope instance)
display: ProductImageHeight
Maximum height for images of products displayed on the main product page. (default 10000, type number, scope instance)
display: ProductImageSizeOuterlimits
Set to '0' to use 'exclusive or'(EOR) sizing. EOR sizing uses either ProductImageHeight or ProductImageWidth parameter to calculate image size, but not both. Give a value to the image's width or height parameter (whichever is more important) and then by leaving the other dimension blank, the image will be the size specified in the dimension chosen. If image width and height parameters are given values, the width setting will take precedence. If neither dimension is given a value, the image width will default to 100. Set this parameter to 1 to use both dimensions as outer size limits --handy when product image aspect ratios reach toward the extreme limits. The aspect ratio is kept constant regardless of values used. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
display: ProductImageWidth
Maximum width for images of products displayed on the main product page. If neither width or height are given values and ProductImageSizeOuterlimits=0, then this parameter defaults to 100 (default 350, type number, scope instance)
display: ProductsToDisplayPerPage
this is used on the category browse page (and for subcategories/subsubcategories) (default 10, type number, scope instance)
display: ThumbnailHeight
Maxium height for images of products displayed on the main product page. (default 10000, type number, scope instance)
display: ThumbnailSizeOuterlimits
Set to '0' to use 'exclusive or'(EOR) sizing. EOR sizing uses either ThumbnailHeight or ThumbnailWidth parameter to calculate thumbnail size, but not both. Give a value to the thumbnail's width or height parameter (whichever is more important) and then by leaving the other dimension blank, the thumbnail will be the size specified in the dimension chosen. If image width and height parameters are given values, the width setting will take precedence. If neither dimension is given a value, the thumbnail width will default to 100. Set this parameter to 1 to use both dimensions as outer size limits --handy when product image aspect ratios reach toward the extreme limits. The aspect ratio is kept constant regardless of values used. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
display: ThumbnailWidth
Maximum width for thumbnails of products. If neither width or height are given values and ThumbnailSizeOuterlimits=0, then this parameter defaults to 100 (default 100, type number, scope instance)
display: UserClassAllowSelfPlacement
whether a user can request to be a member of a user class (default 1, type number, scope instance)
display: UserClassApproveP
if a user requests to be in a user class, is approval required before that user becomes a member of the user class (default 1, type number, scope instance)
display: UserClassUserViewP
whether users can see what user classes they are in (default 1, type number, scope instance)
fulfillment: DisplayTransactionMessagesDuringFulfillmentP
you may or may not wish to have the people recording shipments receive messages like 'unable to authorize payment for shipment' -- depending on whether they they're in a position to do anything about the problem (e.g. abort shipment) (default 1, type number, scope instance)
gift certificates: GiftCertificateMonths
number of months until user-purchased gift certificates expire (default 12, type number, scope instance)
gift certificates: MaxGiftCertificateAmount
maximum gift certificate amount they can buy (default 300, type number, scope instance)
gift certificates: MinGiftCertificateAmount
minimum gift certificate amount they can buy (this does not impose minimum amount for administrators giving users gift certificates) (default 5, type number, scope instance)
gift certificates: SellGiftCertificatesP
whether to allow users to buy gift certificates (default 1, type number, scope instance)
messages: StockMessageI
in stock (default In Stock, type string, scope instance)
messages: StockMessageM
text of hips moderately quickly message (default Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days, type string, scope instance)
messages: StockMessageO
text of out of stock message (default Out of Stock, type string, scope instance)
messages: StockMessageQ
text of ships quickly message (default Usually Ships Within 24 Hours, type string, scope instance)
messages: StockMessageS
text of ships slowly message (default Usually Ships Within 2-4 Weeks, type string, scope instance)
payment information: CreditCardsAccepted
A single-letter space delimited list of accepted credit card types. See ec_pretty_creditcard_type for details. (default v m a, type string, scope instance)
payment information: PaymentCardCodeAsk
Default is 0. Set to 1 to display credit card CVV2/CVC2/CID code field along with credit card number etc. This is for accepting payments with the extra 3 or 4 digits on the card. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
payment information: PaymentCardCodeRequired
Default is 0. Set to 1 to require a credit card's CVV2/CVC2/CID code to validate as a part of authorization and card processing. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
payment information: PaymentGateway
The package-key of the payment gateway to use. Leave empty if you don't want to use a gateway. (default , type string, scope instance)
payment information: PaymentRetryPeriod
The time in hours that temporarily failed transactions should be repeated for. Transactions that do not receive a definitive answer from the gateway with this period fail at the end of the period. (default 8, type number, scope instance)
payment information: SaveCreditCardDataP
Whether to save credit card data (you have to save it if you're going to do manual billing) -- if you save it, then your users can reuse their credit card with one click (default 1, type number, scope instance)
shipping: ExpressShippingP
Is express shipping available to your customers? (default 1, type number, scope instance)
shipping: PickupP
Can orders be picked up from your location by customers? (default 0, type number, scope instance)
shipping: ShippingGateway
The shipping gateway that should be used to calculate the shipping charges instead of the default ecommerce calculations. (default , type string, scope instance)
shopping cart: AllowPreOrdersP
whether customers will be able to place orders for items whose available_date has not yet come (default 1, type number, scope instance)
shopping cart: CartDuration
# of days an 'in_basket' order will remain in the system before a cron job expires it (default 30, type number, scope instance)
shopping cart: CartMaxToAdd
maximum quantity to add to a shoppng basket item's current quantity. Each unit requires a row insert in db table ec_items. (default 999, type number, scope instance)
style: ECTemplatesMayContainTclFunctionsP
Set to 1 if Tcl functions are allowed in the product and e-mail templates. Set to 0 if not. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
technical: CacheProductAsFile
Some web crawlers prefer to spider html pages. Should static files be created to mirror each product file? 0 = no, 1 = yes. Browsers and crawlers that do not accept cookies will be redirected to the static version of the product page. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
technical: CacheRefresh
Seconds between cache (util_memoize) updates (default 600, type number, scope instance)
technical: CustomerServiceEmailAddress
all outgoing email is sent from this address (default, type string, scope instance)
technical: CustomerServiceEmailDescription
the description of the outgoing email address (default Ecommerce Customer Service, type string, scope instance)
technical: EcommerceDataDirectory
path to Product data directories (where product files like images are kept). It is useful to keep this away from the normal pageroot so that uploaded .tcl or .adp files cannot be executed with a URL. IF YOU DON'T SET THIS CORRECTLY, YOUR SYSTEM WON'T WORK! Make sure to replace yourservername with the correct name. You also have to create the directories you specify in the file-system. See technical setup document. (default /web/yourservername/data/ecommerce/, type string, scope instance)
technical: ImageMagickPath
ImageMagick's Convert utility is required to make thumbnails of products. This parameter points to the path of convert (default /usr/local/bin/convert, type string, scope instance)
technical: MultipleRetailersPerProductP
Set to 1 if you have a comparison shopping service -- Note: support for multiple retailers does not work yet in Version 1.0 of the Ecommerce Module, so leave it as 0 (default 0, type number, scope instance)
technical: ProductDataDirectory
This path goes on the end of the EcommerceDataDirectory. IF YOU DON'T SET THIS CORRECTLY, YOUR SYSTEM WON'T WORK! Make sure to replace yourservername with the correct name. You also have to create the directories you specify in the file-system. See technical setup document. (default product/, type string, scope instance)
technical: SystemOwner
email address of owner of shop (default , type string, scope instance)
units: Currency
currency units, USD, dollars, lira, etc. If using PayPal, this must comply with PayPal currency references also. (default USD, type string, scope instance)
units: WeightUnits
weight units such as pounds, carats, ounces, etc. If using PayPal, must comply with PayPal choices. (default lbs, type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: ecommerce

Open Bugs: 4
All Tracked Issues: 74
Latest Bug Opened: 2004-11-01 ecommerce time functions not standardized to openacs 5.x
Latest Bug Fixed: 2013-09-13 example bug where submitter cannot resolve.
Top Bug Submitters: Torben Brosten (35) Caroline Meeks (10) Brad Duell (6) Richard Hamilton (5) Mark Aufflick (5)
Top Bug Fixers: Torben Brosten (37) Alfred Werner (21) Bart Teeuwisse (6) Jeff Davis (4) Mark Aufflick (3) Joe Cooper (1) Jonathan Ellis (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: ecommerce

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (ecommerce/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:



E-commerce for oacs-5-1 is stable. See ecommerce bug reports.

For ecommerce on oacs-5-2, see:

A complete re-write is underway by creating a suite of packages instead of one package for everything.

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