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Installing OpenACS on SuSE

Should you decide to Install OpenACS from source using general en:openacs-system-install instructions, refer to these notes for changes:

Installing [en:postgresql

Set PostgreSQL to start on boot

[root ~]# cp /var/tmp/openacs-5.2.0d1/packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/postgresql.txt /etc/init.d/postgresql
[root ~]# chown root.root /etc/init.d/postgresql
[root ~]# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/postgresql

Test the script.

[root ~]# /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
Stopping PostgreSQL: ok

If PostgreSQL successfully stopped, then use the following command to make sure that the script is run appropriately at boot and shutdown.

[root ~]# cd /etc/init.d
root:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/postgresql K20postgresql
root:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/postgresql S20postgresql  
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc2.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc2.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc3.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc3.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc4.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc4.d 
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc5.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc5.d
root:/etc/init.d# rm K20postgresql
root:/etc/init.d# rm S20postgresql

Test configuration.

root:/etc/init.d # cd
root:~ # /etc/init.d/rc2.d/S20postgresql start
Starting PostgreSQL: ok
root:~ # 
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