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Package Specification Summary for Package: search

Summary: Site wide search
Description: Site wide search implemented with service contracts, currently supports PostgreSQL via the tsearch2 driver and Oracle via the intermedia-driver.
Documentation: Package Documentation
Maturity: Mature and Standard
This package depends on: acs-service-contract acs-tcl acs-templating
Packages that depend on search: acs-content-repository intermedia-driver tsearch2-driver
Package parameters:
Which search engine driver to use? You should enter the name of the related binding (e.g. openfts-driver, swish-driver,...) (default tsearch2-driver, type number, scope instance)
Default limit value (default 10, type number, scope instance)
Number of pages in a page group (default 10, type number, scope instance)
Interval in seconds for the search indexer to sweep for new or updated items. (default 31, type number, scope instance)
Search the Web (e.g. Google) (default Bing DuckDuckGo Google Twitter Yahoo!, type string, scope instance)
If mounted in a subsite should the search be restricted to items in the subsite by default. Requires that package_id in acs_objects be properly populated. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Translate symbol to date interval. (default m3 {3 month ago} m6 {6 month ago} y1 {1 year ago}, type string, scope instance)
Should syndication data be stored when indexing for search. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Boolean parameter to activate/deactivate CSRF protection for this package instance (default 1, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: search

Open Bugs: 8
All Tracked Issues: 29
Latest Bug Opened: 2017-06-03 context snippet might contain truncated markup
Latest Bug Fixed: 2021-01-08 Search does not work on Windows OpenACS.
Top Bug Submitters: Christian Brechbuehler (5) Eduardo Santos (3) Ryan Gallimore (3) Daniël Mantione (2) Jeff Davis (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Gustaf Neumann (9) Dave Bauer (8) Jeff Davis (1) Lars Pind (1) Tilmann Singer (1) Alfred Werner (1) Maurizio Martignano (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: search

# Tcl Procs 26
# Tcl Lines 889
# Tcl Blank Lines 112
# Tcl Comment Lines 129
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 2 ORA: 4
# SQL Lines PG: 273 (blank 38 comments 20) ORA: 389 (blank 61 comments 81)
# ADP pages 4
# ADP lines 144
# Include pages (search/lib/) 2
# Documentation pages 2 (Package Documentation)
# Documentation lines 160
Browse Source API-browser
Github Repository:

For details concerning the intermedia-driver,  see David Bauer's post 12.  The intermedia-driver itself states that it requires Oracle 8.1.7, may work with 9, will NOT work with Oracle 10.


The aim of the project is to create a user-friendly, extensible, and scalable search package. The project team consists of Dirk Gomez (co-lead), Deirdre Kane (co-lead), and Dave Bauer. MIT Sloan is the lead .LRN institution for this project.

There currently is no working search solution for .LRN. The document below describes how to implement a search package for .LRN for Oracle 8i, which is the database system in use in MIT Sloan School. The described approach should be portable to PostgreSQL.

Packages/portlets used by Sloan

A User may have these portlets:

  • News
  • Useful Links (custom portlet)
  • Links
  • Day Summary
  • Full Calendar
  • Documents
  • Surveys
  • Forums
  • Frequently Asked Questions

A class may have these portlets.

  • Class Info
  • News
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Forums
  • Syllabus
  • Staff List
  • Schedule
  • Subgroups
  • Survey
  • Full Calendar
  • Documents
  • Calendar
  • Homework
  • Assignments
  • Lectures Notes and Slides
  • Handouts and Study Materials
  • Trading Game

A communitiy may have these portlets:

  • News
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Survey
  • Forums
  • Subgroups
  • Documents
  • Members
  • Full Calendar
  • Community Info
  • Calendar
  • Schedule
  • Syllabus
  • Trading Game

Portlets/packages not indexed

  • Trading Game
  • bookmarks
  • curriculum
  • news-aggregator
  • blogger

Work on packages

To be reviewed

  • faq
  • survey
  • static

First draft programmed

  • calendar
  • curriculum
  • dotlrn


  • File-storage
  • news

Per-Package docs and comments


Index questions and answers and index FAQs separately.


Index messages and forum title charter separately.


See this Forum thread

Open Questions and Tasks

Should we use triggers for indexing content? Contrast portability, stability, plugin-ability.

Read up on doc_highlight

Maybe store the community_id in the intermedia content?




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Popular tags

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