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ACS Subsite

Package Specification Summary for Package: acs-subsite

Summary: Subsite
Description: Provides for creating subsites within the OpenACS Community System. Aware of parties, groups, users, portraits. Can be themed via a per subsite master template.
Documentation: Package Documentation
Maturity: Mature and Standard
This package depends on: acs-authentication acs-content-repository acs-kernel acs-templating acs-tcl acs-lang acs-mail-lite acs-automated-testing
Packages that depend on acs-subsite: auth-cas courses directory dotlrn dotlrn-catalog edit-this-page forums lors openacs-bootstrap3-theme openacs-bootstrap5-theme openacs-default-theme project-manager skin xowiki
Package parameters:
Default character to use as separator in context bar (default :, type string, scope instance)
Template to use for the page the user comes to for verification of the email. Can be used to trigger additional events. (default /packages/acs-subsite/lib/email-confirm, type string, scope instance)
Where is the global directory for such things as file-not-found error messages (default /global, type string, scope instance)
If non-blank and IndexRedirectUrl is blank, serve the given template rather than the default index template, but with an rp_internal_redirect. Value is relative to serverroot. Example: /packages/dotlrn/index (default , type string, scope instance)
A URL to redirect to instead of showing the subsite index page. Useful if you want to replace the index page with a page generated by portals, by edit-this-page, or to one of the applications installed at the subsite. (default , type string, scope instance)
how many seconds old a last visit cookie must be before we update it (default 600, type string, scope instance)
Do we want to allow only registered users to visit this subsite? (restart required) (default 0, type number, scope instance)
URLs we want restricted to SSL. Note that this only takes effect if you have an SSL listener configured on your AOLserver and kernel parameter RegisterRestrictToSSLFilters is set to 1 (its default). (default admin/*, type string, scope instance)
Should context bars appear on pages? (default 1, type string, scope instance)
Who can see the subsite members list. 0 = Everyone; 1 = Members; 2 = Only administrators; 3 = members, unless subsite. (default 1, type string, scope instance)
is it even worth bothering asking for state and zip code? (default 1, type string, scope instance)
Deprecated: TmpDir
What tmp directories are used on this system? Could be something like '/tmp /var/tmp', note the leading / character. If this value is empty, 'ns_config ns/parameters tmpdir' is used. NOTICE: this parameter is deprecated hand has no effect. Please use ns_config ns/parameters tmpdir to configure your temporary folder. (default , type string, scope instance)
EditThisPage: application
Name of the ETP application to use (default, faq, wiki, or create your own with the etp::define_application procedure) (default default, type string, scope instance)
EditThisPage: subtopic_application
Name of the ETP application to use when creating a subtopic (default default, type string, scope instance)
Navigation Tabs: AdminNavbarTabsList
Navigation tabs to show administrators (default admin { label #acs-admin.Administration# url admin/configure selected_patterns { admin/* shared/parameters acs-admin/* } subsections { configuration { label #acs-subsite.Configuration# url admin/configure } applications { label #acs-subsite.Applications# folder admin/applications selected_patterns { * } } permissions { label #acs-subsite.Permissions# url admin/permissions } parameters { label #acs-subsite.Parameters# url shared/parameters } sitemap { label #acs-subsite.Site_Map# url admin/site-map/ } developer { label {Developer Tools} url /acs-admin/developer } advanced { label #acs-subsite.Subsite_Administration# folder admin selected_patterns { site-map/* groups/* group-types/* rel-segments/* rel-types/* host-node-map/* object-types/* } } swa { label #acs-subsite.Site_Wide_Admin# url /acs-admin/ } } } , type text, scope instance)
Navigation Tabs: MembersViewNavbarTabsList
Navigation tabs to show to those allowed to see subsite members (default members {label #acs-subsite.Members# folder members selected_patterns {*}}, type text, scope instance)
Navigation Tabs: NoTabApplicationList
Don't show tabs for applications with the listed package keys. (default , type text, scope instance)
Navigation Tabs: ShowApplications
Show individual tabs for mounted applications within this subsite (default 0, type string, scope instance)
Navigation Tabs: UserNavbarTabsList
Navigation tabs to show to users (default home {label #acs-subsite.Subsite_Home#}, type text, scope instance)
Templates: LoginTemplate
Name of the template used for login (default /packages/acs-subsite/lib/login, type string, scope instance)
Templates: UserHomeTemplate
Name of the template used for the user home page (default /packages/acs-subsite/lib/home, type string, scope instance)
Templates: UserInfoTemplate
Name of the template used for description of a user (default /packages/acs-subsite/lib/user-info, type string, scope instance)
Templates: UserNewTemplate
Name of the template used for creation of a new user (default /packages/acs-subsite/lib/user-new, type string, scope instance)
theming: CSSToolkit
Configuration value for the CSS toolkit. Potential values are empty (''), 'bootstrap' or 'bootstrap5'. When empty, the value is determined by the ThemeKey. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: DefaultDimensionalStyle
The default dimensional template to use if a particular ad_dimensional doesn't have -style set already. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: DefaultFormStyle
The default form template to use if a particular form doesn't have something more specific defined already. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: DefaultListFilterStyle
The default list filter template to use if a particular listfilter tag does not explicitly specify the list filter style to use. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: DefaultListStyle
The default list template to use if a particular list does not explicitly specify the list style to use. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: DefaultMaster
Path to the default master page (skin) for acs-templating. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default /packages/openacs-default-theme/lib/plain-master, type string, scope instance)
theming: IconSet
Configuration value for the preferred icon set. Potential values are empty (''), 'classic', 'glyphicons' or 'bootstrap-icons'. When empty, the value is determined by the CSSToolkit. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: ResourceDir
The directory, from which the resources of acs-templating are loaded. If not set, or the required resource is not found, the default is taken from /packages/acs-templating/resources/. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default , type string, scope instance)
theming: StreamingHead
Path to the head template (skin) for streaming HTML-output. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default /packages/openacs-default-theme/lib/plain-streaming-head, type string, scope instance)
theming: ThemeCSS
A list of the form '-attribute value' pairs for use with this theme. The valid attributes are defined by template::head::add_css. If non defined, the default list and form CSS files are used, and the subsite master is expected to provide any CSS it needs itself. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default {-href /resources/openacs-default-theme/styles/default-master.css -media all} {-href /resources/acs-templating/forms.css -media all} {-href /resources/acs-templating/lists.css -media all}, type text, scope instance)
theming: ThemeJS
A list of lists of JS specifications of the form '-attribute value' pairs to use with this theme. The allowed attributes are defined by the arguments of template::add_script. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default , type text, scope instance)
theming: ThemeKey
Key of the acs-templating theme for this subsite. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. (default default_plain, type string, scope instance)
user-info: AcceptablePortraitMIMETypes
Enter a set of acceptable MIME types for portrait submissions. (default image/gif image/jpeg image/png, type string, scope instance)
user-info: MaxPortraitBytes
Maximum portrait size in bytes. Leave empty for no limitation. (default 200000, type string, scope instance)
user-info: MembersCanInviteMembersP
Set this to 1 if you want to allow members to invite other members. (default 0, type string, scope instance)
user-info: PrivateEmailLevelP
Defines the level of privacy of the users email. The levels are: 4 - Show user email. 3 - Show user email as an image (require ImageMagick). If ImageMagick not present then the @ symbol is replaced with an image. 2 - Hide email, show a link that allows users to send a message. 1 - Shows nothing. (default 4, type number, scope instance)
user-info: ScreenNameP
Set this to 1 if you want to show screen names instead of real names. (default 0, type string, scope instance)
user-info: SolicitPortraitP
Set this to 1 if you want users to be asked to submit a portrait. (default 1, type string, scope instance)
user-login: AllowPersistentLoginP
do we allow persistent logins? (default 1, type string, scope instance)
user-login: AsmForRegisterId
Assessment used in the registration process. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
user-login: EmailChangedPasswordP
if the admin changes the password, should it be mailed to the user (default 0, type string, scope instance)
user-login: EmailForgottenPasswordP
Email users forgotten passwords (default 1, type string, scope instance)
user-login: EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP
send confirmation email to user after registration. (default 1, type string, scope instance)
user-login: LoginPasswordAutocomplete
value of the attribute 'autocomplete' in the password field of the login form. (default current-password, type string, scope instance)
user-login: NewRegistrationEmailAddress
Where should we send email about new registrations (defaults to SystemOwner) (default, type string, scope instance)
user-login: NotifyAdminOfNewRegistrationsP
Notify someone of new registrations? (default 0, type string, scope instance)
user-login: PersistentLoginDefault
Default for persistent login, when AllowPersistentLoginP is true (default 1, type number, scope instance)
user-login: RegImplNamet
Name of the implementation used in the registration process. (default asm_url, type string, scope instance)
user-login: RegistrationId
Assessment_id for the assessment used in the registration process. If value = 0 the current registration form will be used. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
user-login: RegistrationImplName
Name of the implementation used for the registration process. If value is null, the normal registration process will be used and the RegisterId parameter will be ignored. (default null, type string, scope instance)
user-login: RegistrationProvidesRandomPasswordP
have the system generate a random password instead of the user (default 0, type string, scope instance)
user-login: RegistrationRedirectUrl
A URL to redirect to instead of showing the normal registration page. Useful if you want to replace the registration page with a custom page. (default , type string, scope instance)
user-login: RegistrationRequiresApprovalP
set this to 1 if user does not go live immediately (default 0, type string, scope instance)
user-login: RegistrationRequiresEmailVerificationP
set this to 1 if the user has to receive and email and come back to the site (default 0, type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: acs-subsite

Open Bugs: 25
All Tracked Issues: 164
Latest Bug Opened: 2021-03-06 Improve password resetting
Latest Bug Fixed: 2024-08-09 Missing ON DELETE CASCADE.
Top Bug Submitters: Michael Aram (9) Tilmann Singer (8) Barry Books (6) Jade Rubick (6) Randy O'Meara (6)
Top Bug Fixers: Lars Pind (35) Gustaf Neumann (24) Jeff Davis (15) Dave Bauer (14) Peter Marklund (5) Nima Mazloumi (5) Tilmann Singer (4)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: acs-subsite

# Tcl Procs 179
# Tcl Lines 6904
# Tcl Blank Lines 1206
# Tcl Comment Lines 569
# Automated Tests 18
# Stored Procedures PG: 11 ORA: 14
# SQL Lines PG: 1066 (blank 187 comments 326) ORA: 953 (blank 172 comments 134)
# ADP pages 172
# ADP lines 4082
# Include pages (acs-subsite/lib/) 11
# Documentation pages 6 (Package Documentation)
# Documentation lines 800
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